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Intelligent "suburban warehouse" whole process solution

Apr 27 /2023

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Recently, the "2023 National Conference on Supply Assurance and Cooperative Development of Warehousing and Distribution of Living Materials", which was guided by China General Chamber of Commerce (CGCC), co-sponsored by CGCC Trade Logistics and Supply Chain Branch and Beijing Pinggu District People's Government, organized by China Enterprise Alliance (Beijing) E-Commerce Logistics Technology Research Institute and co-sponsored by BlueSword Beijing was successfully held.


Nearly 300 guests attended this conference with the theme of systematically promoting the construction of China's living materials security system, including relevant government leaders, technical experts and leading enterprises in the industry, and discussed in depth hot topics such as urban living materials security, suburban warehouse base construction, transformation and upgrading of storage digital and wisdom construction. Dr. Shen Changpeng, senior vice president of the company, was invited to deliver a keynote speech and was especially invited to participate in the "suburban warehouse base research symposium".


Since the 20th Party Congress, the state has repeatedly proposed to maintain stability and ensure supply. The construction and operation of suburban warehouses base, which integrates the functions of warehousing, sorting, processing and packaging, can ensure the timely transportation of living materials in the vicinity under the emergency situation and effectively guarantee the uninterrupted circulation of consumer goods.


Founded in 1993, BlueSword has been cultivating in the logistics technology industry for 30 years, and now has become an excellent full-process intelligent logistics solution provider and a full series of logistics robot equipment manufacturer, with core equipment covering warehousing robots, shuttle robots, handling robots, de-palletizing robots, loading and unloading robots and industry-specific robots, etc., providing strong support for the construction of "suburban warehouses" in many industries.

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Starting from the theme of this conference, Dr. Shen Changpeng elaborated his technical thoughts on the construction of intelligent "suburban warehouses" in China by combining the construction experience of intelligent "suburban warehouses" in related industries of BlueSword and the four typical features of "usual service, emergency response, level-emergency conversion and intelligent interconnection".

 Usual services   

To adapt to the trend of e-commerce

To ensure the healthy development of enterprises and "suburban warehouses", it is necessary to provide "usual services". Nowadays, the trend of e-commerce in various industries is obvious, and suburban warehouses are no exception. Its distinctive features are massive orders and SKUs, multi-species small batch, and multiple orders concurrently, and the multiple wear system is the optimal solution for enterprises to adapt to the trend of e-commerce.


BlueSword three-dimensional goods to people more wear system with shuttle robot as the core equipment, not only can make full use of three-dimensional space, to achieve a full range of high-density warehousing; and the use of "ant soldier" mode of operation, according to the characteristics of the order can realize the whole box / original box and the box of individual goods picking automation out of the warehouse, greatly improving system processing capacity. It has been widely used in various e-commerce platforms such as Vipshop, Jingdong, Khao Lak and other large logistics centers in various industries such as daily chemicals, footwear, medicine and food.

Emergency response in case of emergency 

The reserves are stored more, when the supply is fast

For the technological reform of old warehouses, unmanned forklifts can be used to realize automated operation and intensive storage. BlueSword handling robots, using laser SLAM navigation-based composite navigation, can realize the operation of complex paths. Among them, the high forward moving AGV can achieve a lifting height of 11.45 meters and has been successfully applied to the high shelf warehouse of a famous household brand, realizing high unmanned access.


In addition, for building warehouses or warehouses with low floor heights, pallet shuttle boards are a solution that can achieve their maximum density storage. Such solutions are particularly suitable for materials of particularly small variety (such as grain, grain and oil), and a single variety of volume is particularly large.

Land resources are getting less and less, the cost is getting higher and higher, in order to store more, the new warehouse can only be effective to the air, so that the warehouse storage height is higher and the density is greater, in order to achieve more storage in case of emergency.

With strong R&D and manufacturing strength, BlueSword has successfully developed a 45m ultra-high storage robot and it has been operating normally in BlueSword Super Logistics Center; it can also realize high-speed and stable access of 240m/min to guarantee the efficiency of emergency outbound storage.

Flat and emergency conversion  

Combination of flat and emergency and flat and emergency conversion to achieve storage and distribution integration

The biggest feature of the flat and urgent conversion is the need to quickly realize the pallet out of storage, the whole box out of storage. Today many automated warehouse construction, no longer only build a single pallet library, but to store the main pallet-level stacker system, and picking-based box-level multi-pass system combined with the construction, so that the entire warehouse will achieve the integration of warehousing and sorting, but also to achieve the usual service of rapid picking out of storage and emergency supply when the whole tray, the whole box out of storage.


  Intelligent and interconnected  

Intelligent "suburban warehouse" should be intelligent and networked

Nowadays, with the help of various advanced technologies, we turn traditional "logistics machines" into real "logistics robots", which can work intelligently like people, not only reducing labor intensity, but also reducing costs and increasing efficiency of enterprises. In addition to the intelligence, the security supply also needs to carry out networked warehouse management to achieve a national chessboard.

BlueSword has integrated the full range of logistics robots with Internet of Things, 5G, big data, artificial intelligence, digital twin and other technologies to form an end-to-end, digital and intelligent logistics ecosystem. "Using Internet and IOT technology to put eyes on logistics equipment, so that it can comprehensively sense the information of materials, business and equipment, and comprehensively collect data of each process; using 5G technology to put nerves on logistics equipment to realize information interconnection; using big data, artificial intelligence and digital twin technology to put brain on logistics equipment, so that it can think and control intelligently throughout the whole process. " Dr. Shen Changpeng said metaphorically.

In addition, with rich cases in the field of trade logistics and supply chain, BlueSword was awarded "Digital Storage and Intelligent Logistics Innovation Leading Enterprise" in the field of trade logistics and supply chain in 2023.

To help the construction of intelligent suburban warehouse base and guarantee the continuous supply of living materials.

BlueSword, which upholds "only innovation", will actively contribute its wisdom and strength to the construction of China's living materials security system!

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