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In the midsummer of July, the power of the upward growing orchid sword

Jul 28 /2023

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The lotus in Daming Lake is in full bloom

Early rice harvesting in Jianghan Plain

The cicadas on the wutong are singing

The scorching July

Everything in the world

Everyone is growing up with high fighting spirit

Lan Jian Intelligence

Continuously leading the way on the "AI+Logistics" track


各项荣誉   如"7"而至


Growing up, not forgetting to share.

In July, BlueSword Intelligent appeared at multiple industry summits, sharing the latest intelligent logistics technology and scenario rich solutions.

The 8th Petrochemical Innovation Summit

Recently, Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword Intelligence, and Dr. Liu Peng, Senior Vice President, were invited to attend the 8th Petrochemical Innovation Summit held in Shanghai.


At the main forum of the summit, Dr. Shen Changpeng delivered a keynote speech titled "Intelligent Applications Boost the High Quality Development of the Chemical Industry" as a guest speaker.


Dr. Shen first systematically introduced the full range of intelligent logistics robots and other intelligent applications of BlueSword Intelligence. With intelligent logistics robots and digital twin systems as the core, BlueSword Intelligence aims to create a full process intelligent logistics system for the petrochemical industry that integrates software and hardware for warehousing and production, helping petrochemical enterprises achieve intelligent warehousing and production.

Meanwhile, Dr. Shen showed that Lan was uploading There are multiple intelligent application cases of Jian Intelligence in the petrochemical industry, including the central intelligent warehouse of a leading petrochemical enterprise in the large chemical industry, the intelligent warehouse of a leading coal chemical enterprise, and the regional production logistics center of a daily chemical giant in the fine chemical industry. The application of intelligent technology and mechanical equipment has greatly improved the production and storage efficiency of these enterprises.

In addition, "safety, green, low-cost, efficient, sustainable, digital, and unmanned" are several key points for the high-quality development of the current petrochemical industry. In response, BlueSword Intelligent has developed various intelligent algorithms, software, equipment and other technologies, such as intelligent collision avoidance technology (safety), axle balance technology (green), ultra-high and ultra-fast stacker technology (low cost and high efficiency), anti sway technology (sustainable), digital twin technology (digitalization), robot technology (unmanned), etc., to provide the petrochemical industry with safe, efficient, flexible and intelligent intelligent intelligent petrochemical logistics systems, Fully promote the high-quality development of the industry.


At the same time of the summit, Dr. Liu Peng (left), as an interview guest, was specially invited to receive an in-depth interview with Wei Xiaowen, the executive vice editor in chief of the central news media Science and Technology Innovation and Brand magazine, and President Wei (right). He talked about the development status of intelligent logistics at home and abroad, as well as the development process and characteristics of Logistics automation automation and intelligence in various industries, And shared the core development concept of "innovation only" of BlueSword Intelligence, as well as the key technological innovation achievements in the industry since 30 years of deep cultivation.


The 4th Asia Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry Innovation Summit

As a regular guest of the summit, Lan Jian Intelligent, who has made significant achievements in the fast-moving consumer goods industry, was once again invited to attend and share the theme.

In the fast-moving consumer goods industry, based on the extreme operating speed of a stacker crane of 240m/min and the motion control technology of a high-order S-curve, BlueSword Intelligence has already achieved the use of stackers for order picking, overturning the traditional understanding in the industry that stackers can only be used for storage, and creating a smart warehouse solution for the fast-moving consumer goods industry that mainly relies on stacker crane three-dimensional warehouses and supplemented by multiple three-dimensional warehouses, Successfully assisted the Fortune Global 500 daily chemical giants in creating an ultra short supply chain that directly faces consumers, and helped global beverage and food leading enterprises achieve non wrapped storage of whole pallets of goods.


And in the future, in what directions can BlueSword Intelligence help fast-moving consumer goods enterprises carry out deeper levels of digital and intelligent innovation and upgrading?

Wan Zhaocheng, Senior Project Manager of BlueSword Intelligence, gave a wonderful speech on this and shared new thoughts on upgrading logarithmic intelligence from three directions.


Logistics without 'things' (solution layer)

By innovating the logistics system, multiple links within the logistics center have been simplified to only three links: unloading, sorting, and packaging; Cancel the combination and inversion operations, directly store the original boxes on shelves, and achieve two or three layers of stacking to improve storage density.

Logistics without "people" (product layer)

Transforming the "logistics machine" into a "logistics robot", the entire logistics process will be unmanned, and the logistics system will truly transform from a "human" processing system to a "robot" processing system.

No "moving" logistics (part level)

3D intelligent monitoring, Predictive maintenance and other technological innovations based on the intelligent anti-collision of pallets, intelligent inventory of goods, and the full life cycle of the digital twin system platform will truly realize the digitalization, visualization, and intelligence of the operation and maintenance of the automation system, without the need for personnel to carry out complex patrol inspection and inventory.
Dare to think and act, then there is great potential!
Continuously innovating technology and services, BlueSword Intelligence provides customers with more valuable intelligent logistics and intelligent manufacturing system solutions, empowering various industries to continuously achieve high-quality development in digital and intelligent upgrades!

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