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Zhang Xiaoyi, General Manager of BlueSword, was awarded the title of "2023 Logistics Technology Innovation Figure"

Oct 13 /2023

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Recently, the 16th National Modern Logistics Technology Innovation Conference, jointly organized by the China Logistics and Procurement Federation and the Jinan Municipal People's Government, and organized by the China Logistics Information Center, Jinan Port and Logistics Office, and the Smart Logistics Branch of the China Logistics and Procurement Federation, was held in Jinan, Shandong.


More than 600 outstanding representatives from the logistics industry across the country gathered in Jinan to exchange and showcase the latest logistics technology achievements, and to learn and explore the current hot and key issues in the logistics industry.

As a high-end brand in the field of logistics technology in China and an excellent enterprise in Jinan's technological innovation, BlueSword was specially invited to participate in this conference, showcasing the company's latest logistics technology and achievements.


At the same time, the 2023 China Logistics and Procurement Federation Science and Technology Award ceremony was held, and outstanding projects and technological innovation figures who won the China Union of Things Science and Technology Award this year were recognized on-site.

Science and Technology Progress Award

BlueSword has once again won the Science and Technology Progress Award with its project of "Research and Application of Laser Natural Navigation Intelligent AGV and Complex Multi machine Dispatching System", demonstrating Lanjian Intelligent's core development concept of "only innovation" and continuous strong research and development strength over the past 30 years.


Technological innovation figures

General Manager Zhang Xiaoyi of the company was awarded the honor of "2023 China Logistics and Procurement Federation Science and Technology Award Technology Innovation Figure", recognizing his outstanding contributions to the scientific and technological development of the logistics industry.



General Manager Zhang Xiaoyi has long been committed to the research and application of technological innovation in the logistics field, including intelligent logistics equipment, high-end logistics software, and enterprise logistics information systems. He has over 20 years of experience in the logistics technology industry and has won multiple awards such as the China Internet of Things Science and Technology Progress Award and the Shandong Tobacco Science and Technology Progress Award.

keynote speech

Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, was also invited to give a keynote speech at the Future Capacity Forum held at the same time: "The Leaping Development of the Supply Chain Driven by a Full Series of Intelligent Logistics Robots". He stated that in the era of intelligent logistics, logistics robots will undoubtedly provide greater assistance for transportation and capacity.


Dr. Shen Changpeng introduced the development process and key nodes of the company's continuous innovation over the past 30 years from three stages. From a "consulting, software, and system integrator" to a "specific commodity intelligent logistics equipment provider", and then to a "smart factory and smart warehouse full process logistics system provider", BlueSword has continuously researched and deeply cultivated in the field of logistics technology, achieving upgrading, leapfrogging, and stable development at different stages and identities.

Dr. Shen Changpeng believes that "the supply chain is not just a chain, but a network. Because the supply chain is not only related to transportation, procurement, and information flow, but also closely related to key nodes of warehousing technology and warehousing. If the entire supply chain is well done, not only should the transportation capacity be done well, but the logistics and warehousing nodes also need to support the transportation capacity.


Nowadays, based on the digitalization and intelligence of the 300 acre Super Future Factory, BlueSword core equipment has covered warehousing robots, shuttle robots, handling robots, picking robots, palletizing robots, loading and unloading robots, as well as industry-specific customized robots. The company has also become a leading provider of full process intelligent logistics system solutions and a manufacturer of a full range of logistics robot equipment in the industry, It will effectively assist enterprises in various industries in upgrading their future transportation capacity and efficient supply chains.

Standing at the new starting point of its 30th anniversary, BlueSword will continue to innovate its technology and services to create a more efficient smart factory and smart warehouse full process intelligent logistics system, providing strong support for the digital and high-quality development of the modern logistics industry.

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