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BlueSword brings innovative product solutions, making a strong debut in CeMAT ASIA 2023

Oct 25 /2023

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On October 24th, CeMAT ASIA 2023 opened grandly at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. As a leading provider of full process logistics system solutions for smart factories and warehouses, BlueSword has once again made its debut at the W1-F3 booth this year with innovative products and solutions, showcasing and sharing the latest logistics technologies.


CeMAT ASIA Returns Strongly | BlueSword Continuously Appears Strongly

As the flagship exhibition of the logistics equipment industry in the Asian region, after two years, the Asia Logistics Exhibition returned strongly in 2023 with the theme of "high-end manufacturing logistics first", and the audience was full.

As the "C booth" exhibitor of the System Integration and Solutions Exhibition Hall for many consecutive years, BlueSword continues to make a strong debut at the largest exhibition booth of the hall with a heavyweight logistics equipment system, building real scenes and demonstrating the dynamic operation process of the system. Not only did it showcase software and hardware products using the latest logistics technology, but it also highlighted the strong capabilities of BlueSword in project implementation and delivery.

Innovative Exhibition Scheme | Combining Flexibility and Efficiency

Over the years, BlueSword has brought some new viewing experiences to the exhibition, such as the new product "Airborne Robot" released at the 2021 Asian Logistics Exhibition, which ignited the audience, and this year is no exception.

At this Asian Logistics Expo, BlueSword did not showcase its "flagship" product - the material box level multi threading system. Instead, it brought two flexible pallet level intelligent logistics system solutions - the automated warehousing and handling system of the pallet four-way shuttle truck and the automated warehousing robot system of the drum material, attracting people to stop and watch, and multiple users and enterprises to exchange and discuss.


Pallet four-way shuttle | automated warehousing and handling system

This system replaces traditional elevators, platform conveyor lines, etc. with a high-level forward moving forklift AGV, and directly connects to the shelves to complete the retrieval and storage of goods. At the same time, it can also meet the layer changing needs of four-way vehicles. And by adjusting the number of equipment and coordinating with the collaborative scheduling of smart warehousing systems, the maximum utilization rate of equipment can be achieved, while making scheme design and adjustment more flexible and convenient.


The tray four-way shuttle car is the first public exhibition of BlueSword, independently developed by the company. It integrates intelligent control, four-way driving, automatic handling, and active obstacle avoidance functions, suitable for application scenarios with fewer SKU types, large storage capacity, high inbound and outbound efficiency, and fewer shelf layers. It can meet the storage needs of high-density, high-efficiency, and high flexibility. Currently, it has been applied in alcohol, medicine, biotechnology, semiconductors, energy and chemical industries Multiple industries such as new energy.


Reel Material | Automated Storage Robot System

This system replaces fixed conveying equipment such as traditional V-shaped chain plate conveyor, electric turntable, and V-shaped chain plate transfer truck with a jack-up AGV, and cooperates with other process equipment to achieve intelligent and flexible entry and exit of drum materials. This solution has higher security and scalability flexibility; Fast implementation speed, low civil engineering requirements, and low investment costs; Can operate in parallel with multiple vehicles and multiple lines, with high work efficiency; Widely used in various industries such as paper, textiles, printing, packaging, new energy, metals, automobiles, etc.


As one of the core equipment of the system, the BlueSword storage robot has always had very high safety and reliability, and has maintained a record of operating without major faults for more than 20 years on a certain project to this day; Moreover, it has strong applicability and can be customized, developed and designed for specific scenarios such as cylindrical materials such as paper rolls and steel rolls, achieving efficient and automated warehousing.

Full Series | Autonomous Mobile Robots

As another series of core equipment supporting the above two innovative solutions, AGV has obvious advantages in terms of "de conveying and high flexibility". At the exhibition site, BlueSword Multi Class AGV, four-way vehicle silo, and stacker crane silo underwent flexible integration and closed-loop system demonstration.


BlueSword has a full range of autonomous mobile robots, including forklifts, latent jacking, and industry customization. Since its independent debut at the LogiMAT China exhibition in June this year, the entire family of products has been exhibited on a large scale at the China International Industrial Expo in September. Now, it has come to the Asian Logistics Expo, earning a lot of attention. 


BlueSword Digital Twin System | Covering the entire logistics lifecycle

At the exhibition site, through the 3D-SSCADA monitoring platform, the BlueSword Digital Twin System conducted real-time monitoring of the on-site intelligent logistics system's operation status in 3D 1:1, as well as data statistics and analysis, demonstrating the continuous advantages of BlueSword in high-end logistics software to the audience.


Association and media gathering | Big shots sharing&interviews

On the first day of the Asia Logistics Exhibition, Mr. Cai Jin, Vice President of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Global Vice President of the International Procurement and Supply Management Alliance, and President of the Asia Pacific region, as well as other senior leaders of the association, visited the BlueSword booth. Chairman Wu Yaohua of BlueSword had an exchange and took a group photo with the association leaders to commemorate the event.

At the same time, several well-known industry media outlets such as "Logistics Technology and Applications", "Modern Manufacturing", and Logistics Product Network conducted live broadcasts and interviews on the BlueSword Exhibition Booth.

In addition, the high-tech "Logistics Robot Competition" online mini game, the customized small gift lottery with "multiple benefits", and the fun performance of the robot dog have pushed the atmosphere of the BlueSword Booth to another climax.

High end manufacturing, logistics first!
BlueSword , which has been deeply rooted in the field of smart logistics for 30 years, will surely open a new chapter in smart factories and smart warehouse logistics in the wave of Industry 4.0 with its continuously innovative products and perfect services!


The exhibition is not over, the excitement is endless!

October 24-27

Shanghai New International Expo Center W1-F3

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