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BlueSword logistics skills upgrading training for local tobacco commercial enterprise

Aug 27 /2018

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Recently, Shandong province tobacco monopoly bureau (company), in hunan province tobacco monopoly bureau (company), the China national tobacco corporation, shandong qingzhou secondary specialized schools BlueSword logistics technology co., LTD. Jointly conducted at BlueSword logistics technology research and development of production base "tobacco cigarette commercial enterprise logistics equipment maintenance skills upgrading training" and "China tobacco shandong BlueSword joint equipment management and maintenance skills contest" .

▽ Picture data: The trained excellent technicians take a group photo in the production and R&D base of BlueSword

This training aims to improve the professional and systematic level of personnel and equipment management. After preliminary investigation and investigation by various personnel, the teaching model of "theoretical knowledge learning + field practice operation" was finally determined under the professional advice and full guidance of several relevant leaders from Shandong Provincial Logistics Office, Hunan Provincial Logistics Office, and Qingzhou Secondary Professional School of China National Tobacco Corporation, and the course production was completed.

△ Picture information: the relevant leaders of all parties conducted preliminary investigation and investigation

During the activity, Mr. Shen Changpeng, senior Vice president of BlueSword Logistics Technology, went to the scene personally, accompanied the team leaders and instructors, and communicated with excellent engineers and technicians from cigarette logistics distribution centers across the country. We warmly invited you to visit Lanjian Logistics technology production and research and development base, and observe the base's first-class logistics equipment.

△ 图片资料:带队老师与受训优秀技工进行深入交流

△ 图片资料:兰剑物流科技沈总陪同参观生产研发基地

▽ Picture information: Trainees observe the logistics equipment independently developed by BlueSword

Nearly 100 technicians participated in this training, which was taught by excellent engineers of logistics equipment maintenance. Innovative combination of theoretical knowledge and practice, by inviting experts in to deeply study the theory and taking students out of the field drill "one in one out" method, the equipment maintenance work related knowledge is better explained deeply and thoroughly. In addition, the equipment being used in actual production is selected for the trainees to carry out practical operation drills, which greatly improves the practicability of the training, so that everyone has a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the principle of equipment movement, commonly used originals and equipment maintenance.

▽ Picture materials: Theoretical knowledge and practical training are combined

"The supplier is to the equipment what the parents are to the daughter, and the user is to the equipment what the parents-in-law are to the daughter-in-law". The supplier "produces and achieves" the equipment, and finally the user continues to "love" it, both the supplier and the user. Whether it is fully automatic or semi-automatic, for the equipment, it is most closely related to the people. People in the use process, people in the maintenance process, people in the repair process. The human factor is crucial at every stage. The COMMON UNDERSTANDING AND LOVE OF BlueSword PEOPLE AND TOBACCO LOGISTICS PEOPLE ON LOGISTICS EQUIPMENT have ACHIEVED THE leading position OF BlueSword in the field of logistics science AND technology, and ensured the scientific, efficient and economic use and maintenance OF cigarette logistics equipment.

▽ Photo File = Practical training is the best training ground for advanced technicians

At the end of the training, BlueSword Logistics Technology and China Tobacco jointly held the equipment management and maintenance skills competition.

▽ Photo File :Skill competition is all about skill

The complete success of the training exchange not only improves the vocational skills and professional quality of both artisans, but also further strengthens the cooperative relationship between enterprises of both sides. It lays a solid technical foundation for the cooperation between BlueSword Logistics Technology and China Tobacco, and lays a foundation for the construction of the ecological system for the use of logistics equipment.


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