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Intelligent logistics robots, creating a new future of digital intelligence in the FMCG industry

Sep 01 /2022

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Recently, the 3rd Asia FMCG Industry Innovation Summit 2022 was held in Guangzhou. As a high-end logistics technology brand with considerable achievements in the supply chain of the FMCG industry, BlueSword was invited to participate again and won the "Outstanding Supply Chain Solution of the Year" award.


This summit was hosted by the Decision Makers Retail Research Institute and the Decision Makers Think Tank, with the theme of "Returning to Consumer Value to Create Sustainable Growth", focusing on the development trends and latest trends of the FMCG industry in China and even in Asia, bringing together the industry in the field of FMCG Experts, elite leaders and emerging forces will participate.


Dr. Liu Peng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, was invited to attend and delivered a keynote speech on "Intelligent Logistics Robots Create a New Future of Digital Intelligence in the FMCG Industry". Focusing on core topics such as industry trends, digital transformation, and sustainable growth, Dr. Liu Peng shared BlueSword's full-process smart logistics system with integrated hardware and software in detail with the guests.


With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, people's consumption needs and consumption habits have been constantly changing, and consumption behaviors have become more and more diversified and personalized. Especially with the rise of the "Generation Z" consumer group and the trend of omni-channel marketing, "Order from Anywhere" and "Fulfill from Anywhere" have gradually become normalized. changing consumption habits.


In addition, in the post-epidemic era, uncertainty in all walks of life will continue to exist, and the impact on the fast-moving consumer goods industry, which directly faces end consumers, will be even more obvious. Although there is a certain recovery trend in consumption under the overall controllable epidemic situation, consumers still show some new thinking patterns and consumption behaviors. The most typical manifestation is that they are more sensitive to prices and tend to be more cautious. and rational.

FMCG | New Supply Chain Requirements

In the new context, consumer behavior is changing rapidly, and companies should also accelerate their actions to identify and connect with consumers in a timely manner, and strive to highlight their value propositions.

On the one hand, based on consumers' pursuit of "fast" consumption, companies must have efficient contract performance capabilities. On the other hand, in order to meet the personalized and diversified needs of consumers, enterprises need to innovate products and services, but at the same time, it will bring about the growth of massive SKUs and non-standardized orders. These two aspects will cause great challenges to the traditional supply chain of enterprises, especially the traditional warehousing and logistics system.


Therefore, the fast-moving consumer goods industry must carry out the digital and intelligent transformation of the warehousing and logistics system as soon as possible, and build a digital, flexible and intelligent supply chain system while managing the pressure of the cost structure, so as to reduce the cost of order fulfillment and better serve and lead. consumer.


BLUESWORD | Intelligent Logistics Robot

However, the digital and intelligent transformation of enterprises is not simple and will encounter many challenges. Taking the warehousing and logistics system as an example, in the process of transformation and upgrading, it is necessary to solve various carton sizes, such as non-standard fork holes, uneven spacing, inclined stacking, dislocation of fork holes, irregular packaging, mixed storage of original boxes and turnover boxes, and different sizes. The original box deformation, material box / original box displacement and many other difficult problems. Therefore, we must rely on advanced technology, reliable products and mature and effective smart logistics solutions to truly achieve the goal of transformation. And BlueSword is an excellent company that can provide these.


BlueSword Intelligent, founded in 1993, is one of the few leading companies in the field of smart logistics systems with the ability to develop and produce software and hardware. Full life cycle services such as operation, after-sales operation and maintenance, technical consulting and planning. The company's intelligent logistics robots include a full range of intelligent logistics robots such as warehousing robots, shuttle robots, handling robots, picking robots, loading and unloading robots, depalletizing robots, and aerial robots.









搬运机器人则采用激光SLAM导航为主的复合导航方式,可以在复杂路径运行,实现“Move Anything To Anywhere”的自由搬运。






BLUESWORD | 一体化智慧物流系统


BLUESWORD | 以满足客户需求为中心




 FMCG | 高层思享会




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