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The "smart hero" behind the smooth shopping experience | CX Innovation 2023

Apr 06 /2023

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This is a time of rapid change.

A time of complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty, "VUCA".

And "we choose hope".

Only by insisting on revolutionary innovation

We can only meet the challenges of uncertainty.


The 10th Consumer Experience Innovation Conference 2023 (CX Innovation 2023), themed "Reinventing Brand Experience through Digital Innovation", was successfully held recently. This year's summit is based on consumer experience, examining the latest trends in the retail and consumer goods industries, discussing cutting-edge issues in the new consumer sector, and exploring new paths for brand growth in the changing VUCA era.

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BlueSword , which has many successful cases in the consumer goods industry, was invited to participate again this year. Mr. Gao Shaobo, senior project director and head of East China Region, gave an online presentation on the first day of the summit, and demonstrated in detail to many enterprises in the food, beverage, beauty, daily chemical, footwear and household industries how Lanjian Intelligent's whole-process intelligent logistics system can empower the digital transformation of the consumer goods industry.



Pain Point Needs


Consumer-centric "Experience Supply Chain"

Nowadays, we are in an era of "VUCA" which is volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, and with the impact of the epidemic in the past three years, people's consumption concept, consumption behavior and even lifestyle are being reshaped. The cautious and optimistic view of consumption is gradually prevailing. 

At the same time, with the rapid development of digitalization and intelligence, new scenarios, new channels and new consumption methods are emerging, and consumers are more willing to pay for immediacy and convenience premiums as they pursue personalization, quality and seamless services. Therefore, companies that uphold "long-termism" are increasingly focusing on supply chain transformation and are committed to creating a consumer-centric "experience supply chain" through digital transformation and upgrading, so as to enhance consumers' good shopping experience and make The "user" becomes a "lifelong user".

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Mature and effective whole process intelligent logistics system

In order to build a consumer-centered "experience supply chain" and "digital supply chain", the automation and intelligent upgrading of warehousing is an important part of the process, which affects the efficiency and order fulfillment capability of the whole supply chain. Through deep analysis of enterprises' pain points and demands, Director Gao shared various types of intelligent storage and logistics automation systems of BlueSword and integrated intelligent logistics solutions with full process advantages.

Dense pallet-level storage and distribution system with storage robots (stacker cranes) as the core


Dense bin-level storage and distribution system with a shuttle robot (multi-shuttle) as the core

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Automated and unmanned handling system with handling robots (AGVs & AMRs) as the core

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Automatic loading and unloading system with loading and unloading robots as the core

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BlueSword digital twin intelligent logistics platform covering the whole life cycle of logistics



The application of intelligent warehousing and logistics system can greatly improve the efficiency of commodity warehousing and sorting, shorten the time for goods to reach consumers, and interpret "immediacy" in the most direct way, which is called the "wisdom hero" behind the smooth shopping experience; at the same time, it also reduces the labor cost of enterprises, and has the effect of improving quality and reducing costs.


Typical Applications


Agile & Efficient & Flexible Supply Chain

Founded in 1993, BlueSword is a high-tech enterprise that has been involved in the field of warehousing and logistics solutions for a long time. It has successfully implemented warehousing and logistics automation system solutions in many fields, and continues to serve many leading enterprises in many industries, including the world's top 500 daily chemical giants, global beverage & food leading enterprises, and well-known cross-border e-commerce enterprises, and has created many successful project cases.

- China Post & Yageo Ningbo Smart Warehouse (4 floors)

As an order fulfillment center covering B2B and B2C as well as reverse logistics, it is a source master warehouse integrating digitalization, automation, informationization and intelligence, a benchmark for the integration of online and offline warehousing and distribution, and a testing ground for the development mode of deep integration of panoramic supply chain.

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- Winit Los Angeles E-Commerce Logistics Center Cargo-to-Person Picking System

Highly reliable and safe storage and separation system for e-commerce small bin type goods: fast and intelligent in and out of storage by virtue of variable size shuttles and high-speed intelligent lifters. The application of flexible goods-to-man technology enables direct pick-to-order.

- Automatic warehousing system for bulky warehouses in Winit German logistics center

The automated warehousing system of large parts warehouse for large goods: the stacker cranes can turn the track to drive, some of the stacker cranes forks can be adjusted, compatible with two sizes of pallets, more adaptable; AMR seamlessly connects the inbound and outbound handling links, more flexible.


Based on customers' new and changing needs and rich project experience, the technology of BlueSword continues to innovate, improve and optimize, which not only can meet customers' high standard requirements, but also has a competitive advantage in the reliability index of products worldwide; and with a perfect global service network, it helps more enterprises to get the fastest service response!


Industry Honors


Smart Supply Chain Excellence Award of the Year

The CX Annual Innovation Award recognizes teams and companies with outstanding performance and innovative drive in the retail and consumer goods sectors. As a full-process smart logistics system solution provider, BlueSword was awarded the "Smart Supply Chain Excellence of the Year Award" based on a number of high-quality cases in the consumer goods industry.



In the future,  BlueSword will continue to help the construction of digital supply chain in the consumer goods industry and bring consumers a better logistics experience!

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