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Why create an automated warehouse?

Mar 18 /2016

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In the past two years, many large enterprises have begun to establish automated stereo warehouses, automated stereo warehouse in China has been rapidly developed, the application areas continue to broaden. Many companies have begun to pay attention to the automated stereo warehouse, and the effectiveness of the automated stereo warehouse to play the question. So, why is the development of automated stereo warehouse so fast? 

Here is an in-depth understanding of the advantages and value of automated stereo warehouse. 

What are the advantages and value of automated stereo warehouse? 

Automated three-dimensional warehouse has a large storage capacity, automatic access to goods, fast operation speed, high management level and other advantages, the benefits for enterprises can be summarized as follows. 

1. reduction of storage land and saving of land investment cost. 

2. reducing labor intensity and manpower costs.

3. speeding up access to goods and improving production efficiency 

4. facilitate the overall optimization of the system to improve production and logistics management. 

For example, if the automated warehouse is networked with the management information system of the enterprise, it can make the logistics system become a sub-system of the whole production management system of the enterprise (including ordering, design and planning, planning and production arrangement, manufacturing, assembly, shipping, etc.), realize the organic combination of information flow and logistics, make the enterprise arrange production reasonably, and improve the logistics capacity and management level comprehensively. 

In the practical application, how to make the automated stereo warehouse to play the maximum capacity and benefits? 

Enterprises should first of all reasonably plan the construction of automated stereo warehouse suitable for their needs. Generally speaking, the automated three-dimensional warehouse includes: inbound temporary storage area, inspection area, palletizing area, storage area, outbound temporary storage area, pallet temporary storage area, unqualified products temporary storage area and miscellaneous areas. Different enterprises in the construction of three-dimensional warehouse, according to their own process characteristics and requirements to reasonably divide each area, increase or decrease the area. At the same time, enterprises also need to design the flow of logistics, so that the flow of goods unimpeded, because this will directly affect the capacity and efficiency of the automated three-dimensional warehouse. 

Usually, the flow of goods access is as follows: after the goods arrive, the goods are first inspected and selected in the inspection area, the unqualified goods are selected, and the qualified goods are sent to the incoming goods staging area. In the staging area, the goods are put on the pallets, passed through the inbound entrance, sent by conveyor to the alleyway entrance of the three-dimensional warehouse, and then the stacker crane automatically puts the goods pallets into the corresponding cargo space. When the goods out of the warehouse, the stacker cranes according to the system instructions, take out the required goods onto the conveyor, sent to the exit, and then through the warehouse staging area, sent to the warehouse goods storage area, and then out of the warehouse goods are loaded and transported or sent to the production line. 

After the automated three-dimensional warehouse is put into use, to make its efficient operation, give full play to the ability of enterprises also need to strengthen the management of the automated three-dimensional warehouse. On the one hand, enterprises can use the warehouse management system (WMS) to achieve logistics management information, timely grasp of logistics changes, and improve the overall level of logistics management. On the other hand, because the automated stereo warehouse integrated light, machine, electricity, automatic control, communication, information and other high-tech, therefore, the user's knowledge level also has certain requirements. Only by continuously enhancing comprehensive management capabilities, including information technology capabilities, logistics management capabilities, etc., and comprehensively improving inventory management, logistics operation and production management, can enterprises match the high efficiency and high capacity of automated three-dimensional warehouse, integrate the three-dimensional warehouse into the entire logistics system of the enterprise, and give full play to its role. 

What is the development trend of automated three-dimensional warehouse? 

1. the degree of automation and management level continues to improve, the operation speed is accelerated, the access capacity is enhanced, and the turnover rate of goods is increased. 

2. the variety of stored goods is increasingly diversified and the scope of application is becoming wider and wider. 

3. more closely integrated with the enterprise's processes, becoming an integral part of the production logistics, sales logistics. 

4. the reliability and security of warehouse operations continue to improve. 

Experts believe that the warehouse system in the manual storage stage, mechanized storage stage, automated storage stage, has now entered the integrated storage stage. In the integrated storage system, the entire system real-time organic collaboration, so that the overall benefits and resilience greatly exceed the sum of the independent benefits of each device. In the future, with the development of artificial intelligence technology, intelligent automatic warehouse will be the future direction of development, when the computer will replace the human to achieve automatic development of storage plans, automatic access operations.

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