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BlueSword Logistics set another record high

Apr 01 /2016

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China Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Alliance held the "2015 Annual Pharmaceutical Logistics Operation Conference and the 4th Pharmaceutical Storage and Transportation Forum in Suzhou on January 13-14, 2016, and invited enterprises and institutions in the pharmaceutical industry, famous pharmaceutical enterprises at home and abroad, and experts and scholars in pharmaceutical distribution to participate in the conference. BlueSword Logistics generally outperformed its domestic counterparts in terms of the improvement of warehouse and logistics efficiency, lean management of logistics operation, innovation of storage equipment technology and informationization of pharmaceutical circulation to improve overall efficiency during the period of new technology of Industry 4.0, and was finally awarded "2015 Best Pharmaceutical Logistics Storage Equipment Supplier" after expert verification and public voting on the Internet. Supplier", which has laid a solid foundation for the innovative development of the pharmaceutical division of the company and added a wonderful interpretation to the business philosophy of "Only Innovation" of BlueSword.

"Innovation" is the development concept that BlueSword has been upholding since the beginning of its establishment, and is the inexhaustible driving force for BlueSword to maintain high-speed and sustainable development. After more than 20 years of development, BlueSword has developed dense piece pallet storage and distribution warehouse, waterfall type automatic drug picker, 10,000-point distribution route optimization system, 3D logistics simulation system, and cargo-to-person picking system; and gradually accumulated, precipitated, and formed BlueSword's own original logistics theory such as fast sorting theory and active storage theory based on dense storage, storage and distribution, and SKU unitization. It has led the rapid development of China's pharmaceutical logistics industry.

At present, BlueSword has established good communication mechanism with many domestic pharmaceutical groups such as Kellen Pharmaceutical, China Pharmaceutical Group, China Resources Pharmaceutical Group and Shanghai Pharmaceutical Group, and has been rapidly promoted in the field of pharmaceutical logistics automation. It has provided integrated warehousing and logistics solutions for dozens of domestic pharmaceutical industrial enterprises (typical case of Henan Kellen Pharmaceutical), pharmaceutical commercial enterprises (typical case of Chongqing Heavy Pharmaceutical) and other enterprise groups, with case sites all over the country.

This recognition shows the affirmation of BlueSword's business philosophy, product quality and team spirit in the domestic pharmaceutical storage equipment industry. Shandong BlueSword Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. won the award of "2015 Best Supplier of Pharmaceutical Logistics and Warehousing Equipment", which is truly deserved!

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