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Automatic palletizer, "code" high efficiency

Jun 28 /2016

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BlueSword's classic product for the tobacco industry: automatic palletizers

Palletizing is an essential part of the process of transporting cigarettes from industrial enterprises to commercial logistics warehouses. However, the labor intensity of palletizing stations is high and the efficiency is low.

In order to solve this problem, for a period of time, some commercial enterprises choose robots instead of manual labor. However, this "big guy" seems to save manpower, the actual operation of the process but there are some problems: First, due to the variety of cigarettes, pieces of tobacco carton quality varies, making the robot after long-term use, the adsorption effect greatly reduced, resulting in the frequent occurrence of smoke; Second, the robot is mostly imported equipment, spare parts procurement cycle is long, the equipment maintenance costs are high, once the problem is solved. Equipment maintenance costs are high, and once a failure occurs, it will bring a lot of trouble to the normal business of the enterprise.

In response to this pain point, Shandong BlueSword Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully developed a fully automatic palletiser. This equipment adopts automatic means to realize cascade palletizing by turning and transferring, which is different from the traditional robotic gripping palletizing and can be said to have created a new palletizing mode.

BlueSword cascade automatic palletizer is composed of four parts: flipping mechanism, conveying mechanism, smoke pushing mechanism and lifting mechanism. Shen Changpeng, assistant general manager of BlueSword, told the reporter that in terms of operational reliability, the palletizing process mainly adjusts the attitude of the smoke through the differential conveyor, takes five pieces of smoke as a unit, and realizes layer palletizing through the pushing mechanism, placing 10 pieces of smoke in each layer. In this way, the pieces of cigarettes can be palletized into standard pallets of 30 pieces at a time, realizing a one-step process.

During the whole palletizing process, the pieces of tobacco are protected by a conveyor mechanism or pallets, completely eliminating the risk of falling tobacco boxes. "With physical means such as pushing, resting and flipping at every step, our mechanical originals are like a guard, escorting the pieces of tobacco safely into the warehouse, which can be said to be foolproof." Shen Changpeng made an image analogy.

In terms of palletizing efficiency, BlueSword laminated automatic palletizing machine realizes seamless docking of conveying mechanism and cigarette pushing mechanism, so that piece tobacco posture finishing and palletizing action can be carried out simultaneously and mechanical action is coherent. Compared with robots, the waiting time generated by mechanical action is eliminated, so the palletizing efficiency can reach more than 800 pieces/hour, which is more than 30% higher than the efficiency of robots.

In terms of maintenance and after-sales service which customers are concerned about, BlueSword responds to troubleshooting within 24 hours and will send maintenance personnel at the first time as long as customers have demand. Compared with the status quo of long maintenance period and high cost of imported equipment, BlueSword laminated automatic palletisers undoubtedly provide a more attractive choice for commercial enterprises.

Since the launch of the equipment, BlueSword laminated automatic palletizers have been successfully applied in the cigarette logistics distribution centers of Shandong Tai'an Municipal Bureau (Company) and Shaanxi Shangluo Municipal Bureau (Company), and the market response is good. After adopting BlueSword laminated automatic palletizers, the logistics center of Tai'an City Bureau (Company) has completely eliminated the labor force for inbound palletizers, reducing the number of laborers by 2 to 4 per inbound port, which greatly reduces the cost of operation in the warehouse. "We have done a field timing test, BlueSword laminated automatic palletizing machine on average 2 minutes to code a pallet, the efficiency has gone up, and the situation of dropping cigarettes has been eliminated." A staff member of the warehousing department of Taian Municipal Bureau (Company) Logistics Center said, "The laminated palletizer is an innovation, I didn't expect that palletizing could still have such a way."

BlueSword cascade automatic palletizer successfully solves the key problem of difficult interface between manual unloading and automatic storage, effectively reduces the labor intensity of warehouse personnel while ensuring efficiency and stability, enables the occupational health and safety of employees to be effectively guaranteed, and also reduces costs for enterprises. "Although palletizing is a small part of the logistics process, as long as BlueSword does it, we have to do it well and make it special, so that palletizing is more refined to." Shen Changpeng said.

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