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BlueSword intelligent forklift into the warehouse

Aug 09 /2016

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In recent years, in-store logistics is seen as a breakthrough in reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and domestic logistics companies have begun research and development in related areas.

Giving life to machinery

"The laser-guided unmanned forklift we have developed is an applied innovation upgrade on the basis of ordinary forklifts, giving intelligence and life to the machinery." For this product, Shen Changpeng, assistant president of BlueSword Logistics, gave such an explanation.

If the laser-guided unmanned forklift truck wants to achieve the expected use effect, it must realize precise positioning.

"The horizontal positioning technology has been more mature, now the difficulty lies in the vertical positioning." Xu Guangyun, senior engineer of BlueSword Logistics Company, said, "The technical difficulty of high forklift load is how to improve its stability." For this reason, BlueSword Logistics Company has solved this technical difficulty through encoder and guiding algorithm.

On July 15, the reporter saw in the logistics equipment industrial park of BlueSword Logistics located in Linyi County, Shandong Province that the laser-guided unmanned forklift could still lift the whole pallet of goods smoothly when it was lifted to a height of 5 meters. In order to improve the comprehensive operation efficiency of the forklift, the laser-guided unmanned forklift developed by BlueSword Logistics can operate in both horizontal and vertical directions in parallel.

In order to make the operation of forklift more stable, BlueSword Logistics has developed a control system independently. "How the forklift picks up the goods, what kind of line it should take, etc. are all things we need to design and plan." Xu Guangyun said, "We will customize the control system for users according to the actual situation of each logistics company."


Seeking safety with stability

How can laser-guided unmanned forklifts ensure safety?

The laser-guided unmanned forklift developed by BlueSword Logistics has successfully applied three levels of protection measures to greatly improve the safety performance of the product. "The forklift will sound an alarm and slow down at 2 meters from the obstacle, which is the first level of protection; it will actively avoid or stop running at 1.5 meters from the obstacle, which is the second level of protection." Xu Guangyun introduced, "If encountering foreign object collision, the forklift will immediately power off and make the third level of protection."

Through technical research, the laser-guided unmanned forklift is the first to achieve automatic deceleration when turning, and the goods will not be thrown out due to too fast turning speed.

Meanwhile, BlueSword Logistics adopts S-shaped curve design to make the laser-guided unmanned forklift more smooth when starting or braking. "If a bottle of mineral water is put on the forklift, we can ensure that the bottle does not topple over when starting and stopping." Shen Changpeng said.                                                                                                                

Cost reduction and efficiency is the hard truth

Shen Changpeng calculated an account for the reporter, for a warehouse with a storage area of 3,000 square meters for automation transformation, the cost required to introduce a laser-guided unmanned forklift is basically the same as the warehouse transformation plus the wages of two operators for 2~3 years. For the existing manual forklifts in logistics enterprises, BlueSword Logistics can carry out technical transformation of them, so as to realize the full utilization of existing resources and maximize cost saving.

Especially for the old warehouse renovation project with restricted space, the benefits of using laser-guided unmanned forklifts are more obvious. The laser-guided unmanned forklift runs on a fixed route with a small turning radius, which can save the distance between shelves and thus increase the storage utilization space. "The turning radius of manual forklifts is generally 3.5 meters, while the turning radius of laser-guided unmanned forklifts is 2.6~2.8 meters." Shen Changpeng said.

Besides, with laser-guided unmanned forklifts, logistics warehouses do not have to incur additional costs for installing stacker cranes or automated stereo warehouses.

"Using laser-guided unmanned forklifts to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement in logistics warehousing can be said to be a four-two punch, with little investment and no small effect." Shen Changpeng said.

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