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BlueSword helps Weifang Tobacco build a modern and efficient new logistics distribution center

Dec 30 /2016

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 In 2015, Weifang City Bureau (Company) cooperated with Shandong BlueSword Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. to open the design and installation of storage and sorting equipment for the new logistics distribution center. With the joint efforts of both sides, the new equipment was running on schedule in October this year. With the joint efforts of both sides, the new equipment operated as scheduled in October this year.

Smooth relocation and new home

On December 6, the reporter came to the logistics and distribution center. Under the winter sunshine, the place looked "new" and full of meaning.

The new logistics distribution center covers a total area of more than 110 mu, with a construction area of 21,000 square meters. According to the functional distinction, the center is mainly divided into office area, storage area and sorting area.

In the office area, the functional offices are reasonably distributed, simple and bright; in the sorting area, two semi-automatic composite sorting lines and one shaped cigarette sorting line are in efficient operation; the storage area adopts an elevated three-dimensional warehouse system, which fully realizes automatic unpacking and yarding. The storage area is equipped with an elevated three-dimensional storage system, which fully realizes automatic depalletization and in/out storage.

"In fact, the construction of the new center faced not only the problem of how to install and use the new equipment, but also how to efficiently and reasonably relocate the original cigarette inventory and available equipment from the old center to the new one. The new center faces not only the problem of how to install and use the new equipment, but also how to efficiently and reasonably relocate the old center's original cigarette inventory and available equipment to the new center. Gao Wenbin, manager of the logistics distribution center, said.

In order to successfully complete the relocation work, the logistics distribution center started with preliminary planning, and formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for the Relocation of the New Cigarette Logistics Distribution Center", with clear and detailed plans from organizational leadership, division of responsibilities to completion time frame. In order to successfully complete the relocation work, the logistics distribution center formulated and issued the Implementation Plan for the Relocation of the New Cigarette Distribution Center from the preliminary planning to the organizational leadership, division of responsibilities and time frame.

During the relocation process, they relocated all office items that could be used continuously, equipment parts and production consumables that could be improved for continued use to the new logistics distribution center, based on the "lean" principle. "Onboarding" reuse.

The relocation of cigarette stocks was a key and difficult task. For this reason, they determined the daily volume and time of moving according to the throughput capacity of both old and new equipment in and out of the warehouse. At the same time, the city's daily At the same time, the city's average daily cigarette sorting volume and the sorting capacity of the old and new equipment were used as the basis for reasonable allocation, and a "double-core" mode was adopted for the simultaneous operation of the old and new equipment. This not only ensures the distribution of cigarettes during the relocation period, but also reduces The workload of the relocation has been reduced.

"What we are most proud of is that we organized the entire staff to participate in the relocation, using our own vehicles, without spending any extra money, and successfully completed the overall relocation and settled into our new home." Gao Wenbin said.

Seamless integration of new people and equipment

"The opening of the new logistics center has put forward higher requirements for our work, we must take the attitude of 'newcomer', with a new look and excellent skills, to achieve a seamless interface with the new equipment. "Gao Wenbin said.

To this end, based on the special training conducted by BlueSword for front-line employees and the production of operation standard guidebooks, the logistics distribution center has established a long-term mechanism for skills education and training. Through carrying out skills Through a variety of training and thematic activities such as skill competitions, job training, micro-talks and 10 minutes of lean, all employees are urged to learn and use lean tools, creating a strong atmosphere of "lean for all, lean for everything and lean for everywhere". The overall quality of the workforce has been rapidly improved.

At the same time, in order to better match the operation of the new equipment, the logistics and distribution center fully used value stream analysis and other lean tools to optimize 4 primary processes and 21 secondary processes in warehousing and sorting. It also developed 60 work standards and unified relevant systems, norms, standards and job responsibilities, and created visualization boards, which not only reduced the work pressure of employees, but also improved the level of on-site lean management.

"After optimizing and improving the workflow, the efficiency of warehousing has increased by 9.7% compared with that before optimization, while the efficiency of sorting and coding has increased by 6.9%." Gao Wenbin said.

From the first generation of electronic label sorting lines directly to the fifth generation of "waterfall" sorting lines, front-line employees in the logistics distribution center quickly adapted to the new equipment in a new operating environment.

New equipment puts sorting on the "fast track"

"As of December 4, the average immediate sorting efficiency of a single sorting line has basically stabilized at 28,000 items/hour, which is more than double the original sorting efficiency." On December 7, at the weekly meeting of the logistics distribution center On December 7, at the weekly meeting of the Logistics Distribution Center, the person in charge of the storage and distribution department reported the current work situation.

Around the core goal of improving sorting efficiency, BlueSword, as the equipment provider, has optimized and upgraded the equipment based on the fifth generation of "waterfall" sorting line, from the three aspects of storage and sorting, sorting and conveying. The company has optimized and upgraded its equipment in three aspects: storage and sorting, sorting and conveying.

Fifth generation standardized waterfall sorting line

In the storage and sorting process, we have deployed the "Honeycomb 4.0 System", which is widely used in the industry, to significantly improve picking efficiency and accuracy. In the sorting process, a "waterfall" sorting line is adopted, with a In the sorting process, a "waterfall" sorting line was adopted, deploying channel sorters and horizontal sorters together on the sorting line, and modularizing the sorters according to cigarette sales and order structure to improve the response time to cigarette orders. In the conveying process, the In the conveying process, the single-layer belt conveying mode was transformed into a double-layer belt conveying and coding operation mode, which greatly shortened the outgoing time and achieved a maximum conveying efficiency of 30,000 cigarettes per hour.

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The new cigarette logistics sorting and warehousing equipment running in a high-speed and orderly manner has laid a solid foundation for Weifang Tobacco to build modern logistics. "In the future, we will further focus on resource integration, mechanism improvement, technology innovation, lean management, focus on promoting the integration of tobacco logistics, physical, intelligent, lean construction, and strive to achieve quality logistics work to reduce costs and increase efficiency." Gao Wenbin said.

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