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BlueSword's largest honeycomb system was successfully launched

Jan 05 /2018

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BlueSword's self-developed Honeycomb System is officially put into operation in Vipshop South China Logistics Base, which is another innovative initiative of BlueSword in the field of automated operation service. After nearly two years of stable and efficient operation, the first-generation honeycomb system has achieved remarkable results. Today, the second-generation honeycomb system has risen to the ground, which has not only achieved great improvement in human efficiency and ping efficiency, but also made a major breakthrough in the core technology of the system. After a few days of smooth and efficient operation, the second-generation hive system has withstood the test of massive order processing during the "Double Eleven" period!

Since the launch of the second-generation hive system, it has received extensive attention from various domestic authoritative media, e-commerce giants and well-known investment institutions, including Today's Headline, Guangdong Economic TV, Southern Metropolis Daily, Jinan Daily, authoritative media in the industry (logistics technology and application, logistics search, new strategic robotics media, etc.) and KOL, and relevant reprints from portals such as, and Netease. The amount of attention exceeded one million people. A number of well-known e-commerce enterprises have extended olive branches to seek cooperation, and Shanghai Idong Motor Equipment Trading Co., Ltd, a world-renowned roller motor supplier, and Cangzhou Runtong Electronic Equipment Co.

The fast developing e-commerce has entered the 4.0 era. Facing the rising labor cost, massive orders and massive SKUs, the manual efficiency is far from catching up with the industry increase, and the intelligent logistics has become an irreversible industry trend. Under this background, BlueSword, with its unique core competitiveness and strategic layout, has made continuous efforts in intelligent logistics and independently developed the second-generation honeycomb system. The second-generation hive system is the world's largest hive-type order storage and distribution integrated system, and it is an advanced system based on new intelligent motion control units and super large-scale real-time scheduling algorithms. The advanced hive automatic storage equipment, coupled with BlueSword's unique rapid project implementation system, perfectly created the brilliant performance of the hive system in this "Double Eleven" logistics peak test.

Dr. Peng Liu, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, introduces Hive II system

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