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Vipshop introduces BlueSword black technology

Jan 05 /2018

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The one who gets the logistics and storage technology can win the world

In the era of e-commerce, with the change of consumer concept, consumers are not only concerned about the quality of the goods purchased, but also the timeliness of the arrival of goods. As a result, in addition to the quality of procurement, major e-commerce platforms are focusing on the construction of logistics and warehousing systems as the top priority of the entire process. Based on this, Vipshop, the leading e-commerce company, is one step ahead of others and takes the lead in introducing the honeycomb fully automatic goods collection and caching system developed by BlueSword. Compared with other e-commerce platforms' manual goods collection and semi-automatic goods collection and caching systems, this is the first application of fully automatic goods collection and caching system in China's e-commerce industry, through which Vipshop has truly become a VIP in the e-commerce industry!

Industry's First BlueSword Honeycomb Automatic Cargo Collection and Caching System Helps Vipshop

The fully-automatic cargo collection and caching system is an important part of the honeycomb system, developed and implemented by BlueSword, which is equipped with nearly 10,000 cargo spaces and nearly 100 lane shuttle cars in Vipshop's southwest warehouse, and the efficiency of cargo collection reaches 5,000-6,000 boxes/hour.

The consolidation and caching system plays an important role in linking the "partitioned batch picking" and "order distribution" processes. As an advanced system, it uses a shuttle + hoist to replace the Mini-Load for both horizontal and vertical movement of bins, improving system reliability and operational efficiency. At the same time, a single shuttle can carry 1-2 bins at a time, and with the help of the BlueSword Kongming system to optimize batch bin clustering and task unevenness, the system operates with high flexibility and can realize flexible scheduling connection with downstream links.

1. Fully automated and unmanned, reducing operating costs

The warehouse operation adopts the form of shuttle car + elevator, all of which is automated and unmanned, reducing manpower expenses and operating costs.

2. 80% improvement in cargo collection efficiency

Changing from 2D flat goods collection and caching area to 3D three-dimensional goods collection and caching system reduces the waiting time between different warehouses for the same batch of goods, accelerates the order flow efficiency, improves the turnover rhythm, and completes the goods collection operation efficiently.

3. 100% accuracy rate of goods collection

Adopt computer management to realize the automation of operation, to achieve "first in first out", to prevent goods aging, deterioration, rust, and avoid loss of goods; cargo space is centralized and easy to control. The use of computers can not only realize the automatic control of the operation, but also be able to carry out information processing, and significantly improve the accuracy of the set of goods.

Only those who have the logistics and warehousing technology can really master the tomorrow of e-commerce. For BlueSword, there is no innovation forever, but only under the eyes and feet. BlueSword will continue to develop more logistics and warehousing black technology with the attitude of constantly challenging itself to serve all industries.

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