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BlueSword cares for children in Wangjiachang Village, Xiyang Town

Jan 05 /2018

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Early in the morning of December 3, in the dry and cold weather of northern winter, the executives of Shandong BlueSword Logistics Technology Co., Ltd. and a group of members went to visit the local children in Wangjiachang Village of Xiying Town in the southern mountainous area of Jinan and brought them love materials.

After a journey of more than an hour, the BlueSword Love Team arrived at Wangjiachang Village. There, the team received a warm welcome from the local village committee and students. In Wangjiachang village, the team held a donation ceremony with the local village committee. Shen Changpeng, the assistant president of BlueSword Logistics Technology Company, Cui Xiaofei, the secretary of Wangjiachang Village, Song Chunsheng, the village head and a group of people attended the donation ceremony.

At the ceremony, Cui Xiaofei, secretary of Wangjiachang village, delivered a speech, expressing his deep gratitude, touching and thanksgiving to the loving group. The donated children expressed that they should study hard, become useful to the society, pay back the society and contribute to the society.

After that, Mr. Shen, the president of BlueSword Logistics Technology, made a speech and expressed his care for the local children. He said that children are the flowers of the motherland and the future of the country, and it is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation to love and care for young children, so we should try our best to help people in need, pass on our love and do our part for the society. At the same time, we hope to strengthen the communication between BlueSword and the local area, and hope that we can bring the children to visit BlueSword when there is an opportunity, so that they can feel the spirit and vigor of a high-tech company and help more children grow up to be outstanding talents of the society and become the pillars of the country!

In addition, Mr. Shen also made a positive initiative to the team of BlueSword that as an enterprise, we should not only pursue economic benefits, but also actively fulfill our social responsibilities. We hope that BlueSword employees will participate more in similar charity activities, care for the disadvantaged groups, do their own little bit, give more care to children, and set an example for their own children!

Times are changing, time is changing, what remains the same is our care. As a Jinan local company, it is the responsibility and obligation of BlueSword Logistics Technology to dedicate itself to Jinan society. "Those who love people, people always love them; those who respect people, people always respect them", to be a caring, responsible and accountable company will be respected and supported by the society! In order to maintain this respect and support, BlueSword people have been working hard!

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