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An Accelerator for E-Commerce Sorting

Jan 05 /2018

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The pain points of the warehousing industry

Many Chinese e-commerce platforms have self-built warehouses, relying mainly on human and manual operations, warehouse management is relatively backward. With the acceleration of the process of Industry 4.0, AI, robotics and other technologies are rapidly stimulating intelligent change in the field of warehousing and logistics, the backward warehouse logistics model is bound to face many problems:.

Manual work is inefficient, high error rate

For small warehouses, commodity SKU simple, a few hundred orders per day, just a few skilled hands, basically quickly handle the problem of low efficiency of manual operations can be ignored. However, for large warehouses, tens of thousands of shipments per day, low efficiency of manual operations, high error rate, and fully automated operations there is more than 50% of the operational efficiency gap.

Rising labor costs, high business operating costs

With the rising cost of labor in society, a large part of the capital composition of enterprises is paid in the form of salary, and the operating cost is getting higher and higher.

Low efficiency of goods collection and lack of expiration date management

Expiration date management is especially important for food and medicine storage. In the warehouse logistics management, manual work is not accurate enough to grasp the data, many goods "first in, then out", more than the expiration date, resulting in corporate losses.

Inaccurate warehouse data, accounts and the actual gap between the large

Warehouse management, a variety of data, manual work with a high error rate, management data is easy to confuse.

Operation mode change, explore innovative warehouse management mode

The drawbacks of traditional warehouse logistics management mode are becoming more and more obvious, both e-commerce platforms and logistics enterprises are trying to explore a more advanced warehouse management mode, and  BlueSword Logistics Technology is one of the many innovators. Established in 1993,  BlueSword Logistics Technology has a history of 24 years. It is a high-tech company integrating logistics consulting and planning, logistics software development and design, logistics equipment development and implementation as well as automated logistics operation and service, and in view of the drawbacks of traditional warehouse logistics management mode, the hive-type order storage and distribution system developed and implemented by BlueSword is the leader in the field of warehouse logistics. Among them, as part of the "honeycomb system", the honeycomb automatic goods collection and caching system is the first of its kind in the e-commerce industry.

The first in the e-commerce industry to achieve fully automated batch caching

The Honeycomb fully automated batch caching system plays an important role in linking "partitioned batch picking" and "order distribution", and uses a shuttle + hoist to replace the Mini-Load for both horizontal and vertical movement of the bins. The system's reliability and operational efficiency are improved. At the same time, a single shuttle can carry 1-2 bins at a time, and with the help of the  BlueSword Kongming? The system optimizes the clustering of batches of bins and the unevenness of tasks. The system operates with high flexibility and can realize flexible scheduling connection with downstream links.

Compared with the conventional manual gathering and semi-automatic gathering and caching system, the honeycomb automatic gathering and caching system developed by BlueSword Logistics Technology makes full use of the height space, improves the efficiency and accuracy of gathering, is an important link to improve the order processing capacity and speed of the whole e-commerce distribution center, and is an indispensable and important asset to reduce personnel waiting and improve human efficiency.

80% increase in efficiency of goods collection

Changing from 2D flat goods collection and caching area to 3D three-dimensional goods collection and caching system reduces the waiting time between different warehouses for the same batch of goods, accelerates the order flow efficiency, improves the turnover rhythm, and efficiently completes the goods collection operation.

Realize full automation, save manpower and reduce operation cost

The warehouse operation adopts the form of shuttle car + hoist, all of which is mechanized and automated, saving manpower, reducing manpower expenses and lowering operating costs.

100% accuracy rate of cargo collection and automatic management of expiration date

The use of computer management, the automation of operations, to achieve "first in, first out", to prevent the aging of goods, deterioration, rust, to avoid the loss of goods; centralized cargo space, easy to control. The use of computer can not only realize the automatic control of operation, but also can carry out information processing, which can significantly improve the accuracy of cargo collection.

 BlueSword develops " BlueSword KongmingTM" system, which makes data management more effective

The " BlueSword KongmingTM" system is the latest storage and distribution software system released by  BlueSword, which is a global leader in iterative optimization algorithm of randomness balance, fast object recognition algorithm and competition-based large-scale conflict processing algorithm.

For the e-commerce platform, warehouse logistics management is both the background and brother, "love each other". With the acceleration of the process of Industry 4.0, the success of intelligent warehousing is inseparable from the support of e-commerce platforms, but also from the vigorous promotion of logistics technology innovation enterprises. In the face of the challenges of the "Double 12" promotion activities, the honeycomb automatic collection and caching system will be "honey", not afraid of the challenge!

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