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BlueSword: Do not take the last train of AI, and strive to be the leader of AI!

Jan 05 /2018

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In recent years, the concept of artificial intelligence (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) has been gradually applied to all walks of life, and logistics-related ones include unmanned sorting robots, driverless trucks and unmanned forklifts, and more and more new equipment has been put into practical use. From past media reports, artificial intelligence, especially robotics, has been a hot topic in the past two years, and warehouse logistics robots are an important branch of it.

Recently, the World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, China, also repeatedly discussed artificial intelligence - AI technology. At the AI sub-forum, Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi, gave a speech: When the AI era came, we found out we were wrong! It can be seen that the artificial intelligence technology in the future society development of the flourishing, the development of the fierce immeasurable. After the meeting, the heat of artificial intelligence has not abated, leaping to become the headline topic of major search platforms, but also become the talk of people after dinner.

It is no coincidence that the second-generation honeycomb system developed and implemented by BlueSword Logistics Technology, which was put into operation in the South China logistics base of Vipshop on the "Double Eleven" this year, also uses artificial intelligence technology - BlueSword Kongming  system. The application of artificial intelligence technology in e-commerce warehousing and logistics is the result of the market, in line with the actual requirements of the e-commerce industry for flexible warehousing and logistics technology, and is an important step in promoting the development of intelligent logistics!

BlueSword Kongming System

Application of AI in e-commerce warehousing and logistics to promote the development of intelligent logistics

After the rapid development in recent years, the application of warehousing and logistics tends to develop intelligently, and the market demands for technical innovation more and more rapidly, so the existing warehousing technology gradually cannot keep up with the users' demands.Based on this, the latest storage and distribution software system developed and implemented by BlueSword Logistics Technology - BlueSword Kongming system was put into operation in the South China logistics base of Vipshop on the "Double Eleven" this year.

BlueSword Kongming system is a software system that really uses artificial intelligence technology and is applied to the field of warehousing and logistics in the e-commerce industry to solve the pain points of warehousing and logistics. Through self-developed software system, it realizes automated integrated operation. The scanning, labeling, weighing and double-checking, which originally required four steps to be completed manually, now takes only a few seconds, which greatly improves the speed of goods delivery.

The BlueSword KongmingTM system incorporates various scheduling algorithms, including multi-module inventory balancing algorithms, SKU correlation-based space allocation algorithms, and order picking sorting algorithms, effectively improving the equipment utilization and overall work efficiency of the entire intelligent warehouse logistics automation system.

Artificial intelligence technology

human intelligence, will be a piece of the future with AI

Today, the large e-commerce company's order response, management mode of the current warehouse management and development of higher requirements, hope that the enterprise through real intelligent technology and equipment to achieve efficient and accurate warehouse management, and even through big data analysis for the operation of the "staff". However, specific to the current state of intelligent storage development, the industry's technology and programs still exist in a variety of deficiencies. At the same time, with the rapid development of the Internet, e-commerce, consumer demand is gradually changing, more diversified and personalized, the enterprise order processing also presents a "multi-variety, small batch, multi-batch, time-sensitive" characteristics. In particular, the introduction of the concept of "new retail" has put forward higher requirements for the intelligence and flexibility of the storage system.

Therefore, to accelerate the development and application of artificial intelligence technology, is an indispensable means of survival of e-commerce enterprises, warehousing and logistics enterprises. The development of artificial intelligence technology will certainly accelerate the warehousing and logistics enterprises to intelligent logistics warehousing enterprise upgrade, to promote the development of intelligent warehousing and logistics process.

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