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Huizhou Tobacco Company sent a letter of commendation

Jan 09 /2018

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2017 Guangdong Tobacco Business System Logistics On-site Meeting was successfully held in Huizhou Hotel from December 18 to 20. After the meeting, Huizhou Tobacco Company sent a letter of commendation, praising the efficient and stable operation of the process equipment of Huizhou tobacco logistics distribution Center developed by Lanjian, and praising the staff of Lanjian for their striving for perfection and dutiful working attitude.

BlueSword logistics technology successful users throughout tobacco, electricity, medicine, tires, express, machinery, transportation, clothing, home appliances, parks, education, military and other industries, among which, tobacco is my company's earliest involved, the operation of the most mature industry. For the research and development of tobacco storage logistics equipment, Lanjian logistics technology has been in the forefront of technology.

As warehousing logistics providers of huizhou tobacco companies, LanJian logistics technology has always been adhering to the "only innovation" spirit of enterprise, in the process of cooperation with huizhou tobacco, adhere to the excelsior attitude, overall planning and design integration, seamless connection process, integration of innovative, mature and stable automation equipments again at the same time, Combined with the application of intelligent park and control platform, it has built a modern intelligent cigarette logistics and distribution center which is highly informationized, moderately automated and deeply lean.

Cigarette logistics and distribution center viaduct uses 1 automatic palletizing machine to complete the automatic palletizing of cigarette and 1 whole tray shaping machine to complete the appearance automatic sorting of industrial and commercial whole tray combined transportation tray; With the help of the elevation difference, three single-extension stackers are adopted to cooperate with the 10-layer shelf and 2520 pallet positions, and 15,120 cartons of cigarettes are stored fully. The multi-wear system with 6 double speed chains and 5700 storage positions is adopted to realize the integrated storage and sub-integration process of cigarette stocking, cigarette storage, cigarette sorting and warehousing.




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