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BlueSword Intelligent logistics control platform

Jan 09 /2018

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If you ask: Where is the strongest brain in China? I would answer: Jiangsu TV!

But if you ask me, where is BlueSword's strongest brain? I will answer: Huizhou tobacco intelligent logistics control platform.

The biggest hot spot in the logistics industry in 2017 is intelligence, and wisdom logistics will completely change the current logistics operation system. At present, to build a wisdom logistics has become the consensus of logistics enterprises, and the wisdom logistics control platform is the wisdom of the whole wisdom logistics system, and the wisdom logistics control platform developed by BlueSword Logistics Technology and applied to Huizhou Tobacco is undoubtedly the strongest brain of the current wisdom logistics system.

Huizhou Tobacco Smart Logistics Control Platform makes comprehensive use of Industry 4.0, Lean Management, Internet of Things, Big Data, Internet+ and other technologies, and realizes system integration, management refinement, full visualization, control intelligence and business mobility through the application of hierarchical operation dispatching center, comprehensive management center, monitoring and command center, decision support center and mobile intelligence center.

Operation Scheduling Center

The operation dispatching center built with Industry 4.0 standard can not only dispatch tasks for automated equipment such as warehousing and sorting, but also make real-time dispatching of personnel and vehicles in all aspects of arrival, warehousing, sorting, goods collection and distribution through on-site electronic signage, promoting the organic combination of personnel and vehicles, equipment and materials, and realizing seamless connection and high integration between various systems.

Industry → Arrival dispatching → Warehousing dispatching → Sorting dispatching → Gathering dispatching → Distribution dispatching → Retailer

The comprehensive management center built with the goal of lean improvement uses advanced management methods such as TAV, KPI, TPM, and cost motivation method to carry out lean comprehensive management of resources, performance, equipment and costs, and through index decomposition, benchmarking, statistical analysis and remote supervision at provincial and municipal levels, and individual workstations, to complete PDCA continuous improvement and achieve refinement of management.

Monitoring Command Center

The monitoring and command center built with IOT technology as the core is based on the sensing equipment in the park and the joint workshop as the core, which perceives the data of all links, all areas, all elements and all points in time comprehensively, and collects, stores and utilizes the data uniformly with the help of IOT gateway to realize the comprehensive monitoring, full visualization and unified command of the operation, management and park.

Decision Support Center

The decision support center built with big data technology is driven by instant analysis software to build analysis models, realize the up-roll, down-drill and slicing of business data, and through the analysis of different data, gain an in-depth understanding of the problems in logistics management and operation, find feasible improvement methods, provide logistics operation quality, reduce logistics costs and improve operation efficiency.

Mobile Intelligent Center

Mobile intelligent center built with the support of mobile Internet, using HTML5 to adapt to the display of different terminals and different devices, management from different levels and different roles to get different personnel management needs and requirements, to ensure that from different personnel using different terminal devices can access the system at any time and anywhere, to achieve the whole process of logistics business, all-round, all-time mobile intelligent control.

Intelligent Park

The intelligent park uses the park floor plan, video monitoring, energy consumption system, access control system, temperature and humidity detection, lighting system, electronic signage, advertising machine, queuing and calling system, fire fighting system, combined with the Internet of Things technology, to realize real-time monitoring and intelligent management of the park operation status.

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