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Because of love-zero distance

Jan 05 /2018

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On December 28, 2017, senior management of BlueSword headquarters visited BlueSword's production and R&D base with their managers to launch a condolence tour and send New Year wishes and gifts.

Ordinary day, ordinary people, extraordinary trip of condolence

Early in the morning of the 28th, in the cold wind, BlueSword headquarters executives and managers set off on the journey to visit BlueSword production and R&D bases, and the journey of care and sympathy began.

The winter wind is cold, but the heart is warm, and the cordial communication is endless

In winter, the northern country is full of depression, but the production and R&D base of BlueSword is "as warm as spring". Led by Zhang Xiaoyi, CEO of BlueSword, the visitors gathered together with the front-line workshop staff and exchanged cordial words, summarizing the main work in 2017 and discussing and arranging the work plan for 2018.

Visiting workshops and celebrating the festive season, although the gift is light, the heart is warm

After the exchange, the visitors from BlueSword headquarters visited the three workshops and six departments, came to each employee and gave them New Year gifts personally.

Considering the special working environment of the production and R&D base, the temperature in the workshop is relatively low. The headquarters carefully prepared exquisite and practical cold-weather equipment to express the care and gratitude of BlueSword headquarters to the staff of BlueSword production and R&D base.

Returning to Quancheng, bringing good gifts, and enjoying together in Jinan, Linyi

In the afternoon, the visitors returned to Jinan and were loaded with the New Year gifts from BlueSword production and R&D base to all the staff of BlueSword headquarters.


Every employee of BlueSword headquarters received gifts and blessings from colleagues of BlueSword production and R&D base. 2018, let's cheer together!

Loving each other

For BlueSword, BlueSword headquarters and BlueSword production and R&D base are like two legs, no matter which leg we leave, we can't go long. Although Jinan and Linyi are a hundred miles away from each other, as long as we look at one place and put our strength into one place, we can break the distance and make BlueSword a leading company in China's logistics technology industry! 

Finally, I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance!

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