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Global cargo, extended service! Application of logistics robot in aviation field.

Jun 25 /2021

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From June 23rd to 24th, the 2021 China Aviation Logistics International Forum with the theme of "Cargo Global, Helping Safe and Efficient Transportation of Special Cargo" was held in Shanghai. Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, was invited to attend.

Part 1 Keynote speech

Application exploration of logistics robots in the field of aviation special cargo

Dr. Shen Changpeng was invited to share a keynote speech at the main forum. Based on his unique thinking on special cargo logistics technology and system, he conducted in-depth discussions on how logistics robots can help enterprises to realize automatic storage, sorting, and handling in the field of aviation special cargo. .

◎ Picture: Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword

This time, Dr. Shen Changpeng introduced the application practice of BlueSword Intelligent's honeycomb system with shuttle robot as the core, AS/RS system with warehouse robot as the core and handling robot.

Shuttle Robot/Multi-Shuttle Robot

The shuttle robot is the core equipment of BlueSword's intelligent honeycomb system. It has been widely implemented in many projects with the system layout, including the aerospace industry.

◎ Picture: Rendering of an aerospace honeycomb system project

The honeycomb system with the shuttle robot as the core can realize the functions of high-density storage in three-dimensional space, parallel and rapid storage and exit, automatic transportation to people, automatic and rapid picking and other functions.

The honeycomb system is used in the field of special cargo, and its advantages are more obvious:

① With ultra-high stability, it is more suitable for the storage requirements of special cargo.

② Realize full-process automation and significantly improve storage capacity.

③ Manage the entire life cycle of materials, and product information can be traced.

BlueSword intelligent storage robot not only has a high level of intelligence, but also can realize automatic disk storage and uneven settlement detection based on vision; it also has outstanding advantages in applicability, and can be used in special environments such as low temperature, explosion-proof, and communication encryption. , which is very important for automated warehousing systems in the field of aerospace special cargo.

Handling Robot/Automated Guided Vehicle

The handling robot is the link between the operation end and the shelf, and is a key part of the entire automated storage system. It is of great significance to improve the overall efficiency of the system to improve the transportation efficiency by reasonably partially handling the robot.

BlueSword intelligent handling robot applies high-order Bezier curve, high-precision pattern recognition algorithm, and intelligent vision configuration, which can realize access to pallets of different structures, pick and place goods in narrow aisle space, accurately detect the position of pallet fork holes and dynamically adjust them. , automatic loading and other functions.

Part 2 Roundtable Interview

How the new development of air logistics can meet the needs of special cargo transportation

In order to combine the advantages of all parties to ensure the high-quality development of aviation logistics, the organizer specially invited heavyweight guests from all walks of life to organize a roundtable interview session, and Dr. Shen Changpeng was invited to participate.

Experts focused on the latest policies, scientific research achievements and industry standards of aviation logistics, and expressed their opinions on how to meet the timeliness, stability and safety requirements of air special cargo transportation and how to further optimize the air cargo industry chain.

Cargo global links the world, service extension, integration and symbiosis! As an advantageous enterprise in the field of intelligent logistics systems with logistics robots as the core in my country, BlueSword should be dedicated to ensuring the safety and efficiency of air special cargo transportation and improving my country's international air cargo capacity.

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