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Another honor! With the power of wisdom, practice excellence。

Jun 27 /2021

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From June 25th to 26th, the CGCA China Consumer Goods Industry CIO Conference and the 2021 China Retail Industry CIO Conference were held in Shanghai. BlueSword Intelligence was awarded the "Annual Outstanding Smart Supply Chain Award" for its outstanding contribution to the digital-intelligence transformation of the consumer goods industry in warehousing and logistics.


As the highest-level conference in China's consumer goods digital industry, the conference invites more than 400 well-known corporate CIOs, industry authoritative experts and top elites to interpret the industry password and look forward to the future of digital intelligence. Dr. Liu Peng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, was invited to attend and share the keynote speech.

Based on his rich practical experience and accurate industry cognition, Dr. Liu Peng, combined with the innovative development of BlueSword in the field of smart warehousing and logistics, has a broader vision and higher-level concept to deeply discuss the empowerment of FMCG by intelligent logistics robots. A solid force for the digital and intelligent transformation of the industry.

The core competitiveness of logistics is the improvement of supply chain operation quality and customer service experience. High-quality warehousing automation services can help companies greatly reduce cargo damage costs, improve supply chain agility, and improve product service experience, thereby creating product brand value to the greatest extent. Maximizing brand value is of great significance to the consumer goods industry.

The modern intelligent warehousing system with logistics robots as the core can assist enterprises to complete the digital and intelligent upgrade of traditional warehousing business to the greatest extent. By improving the efficiency of the warehousing link, it will help the manufacturing link, and then develop from the warehouse to the production line, and finally enable the digital and intelligent transformation of the entire industry.


The conference was personally planned by the China Retail Industry CIO Alliance Expert Group, co-hosted by a number of authoritative organizations, and supported by CIO associations in all provinces and cities across the country. The award is selected by the expert group of the organizing committee of the conference, and it is an industry commendation with professionalism, authority and credibility.

Won the "Annual Excellent Smart Supply Chain Award", which reflects the brand strength and industry influence of BlueSword Smart as a full-process smart logistics system solution provider.

How does BlueSword Intelligence create excellence?

1) Only innovation, independent mastery of core technology

Since its establishment 28 years ago, BlueSword Intelligence has insisted on independent research and development. It is our original intention to make products that belong to the Chinese people, and to master the core technology by ourselves. Today, we have nearly 200 independent intellectual property rights, a full range of logistics robot products, and high-end intelligent software systems covering the entire life cycle of logistics...

2) Ingenious manufacturing, product quality keeps improving

In terms of research and development, BlueSword Intelligence also pays attention to product manufacturing. Creatively put forward two indicators of "MMBF (Mean Movement Between Failure, the average number of operations between two failures)" and "MTTR (Mean Time To Repair, mean time to repair)" to ensure product reliability. With ingenuity and quality, return the continuous trust of customers.

3) The ultimate service, customer needs are carefully perceived

"Innovation comes from demand" is the innovative concept that BlueSword has always practiced. New technologies need to be developed and introduced only if they can truly solve customer pain points, not just for use. "We must respect the needs of customers, rather than doing platonic research and development." The founder Professor Wu Yaohua once said.

Excellence is not the end, innovation never stops! BlueSword Intelligence takes the mission of building a national brand with international influence, and contributes BlueSword power to renew China's logistics wisdom.
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