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Analysis and Countermeasures of Difficulties in Cold Chain Industry

Jul 14 /2021

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On July 14, CSRW2021 Asia Cold Storage Construction and Operation Forum and Exhibition opened in Shanghai New International Expo Center. BlueSword Smart will meet you at A145 in Hall W2.

On the first day of the exhibition, Mr. Gao Shaobo, senior project director of BlueSword Intelligence and head of East China Region, was invited to attend the forum and delivered a keynote speech. Combined with his own theoretical basis and project experience, he analyzed the technical difficulties of the application of logistics robots in the cold chain industry, and proposed BlueSword. Sword Intelligence's countermeasures.

Gao Shaobo, Senior Project Director of BlueSword and Head of East China Region

Characteristics and Challenges of Cold Chain Logistics

The areas with greater demand for cold chain logistics include primary agricultural products (vegetables, fruits, meat products, etc.), processed foods (quick-frozen, cold drinks, dairy products, etc.) and special commodities such as medicines (drugs, vaccines), and the particularity of the goods determines the particularity of the warehouse. This is also the most obvious challenge faced by cold chain logistics - the storage requirements and hygiene standards of goods are more stringent, and it is necessary to overcome the low temperature barrier to build a smart cold storage.

In a special low temperature environment, the performance requirements of the equipment are also higher, and the work test of the personnel is also greater. Correspondingly, the overall standards for the construction of cold chain system projects are more stringent. These are the challenges that distinguish the cold chain logistics system from the ordinary logistics system.

BlueSword Cold Chain Industry Solutions

The particularity of the logistics system in the cold chain industry makes planning and implementation more difficult. This requires that project implementation units cannot only use their own general solutions to meet the different needs of various industries, but must carry out individualized planning and design, even Carry out innovative research and development of equipment, and use the most targeted solutions and equipment to solve the real pain points of customers.

BlueSword uses new solutions and technologies to embrace industry changes and meet market demands.


Planning: Comprehensive Input-Output Analysis

The cold storage project has high requirements on the building itself, so most of them are planned and designed as a whole from the beginning of civil construction, which requires the integrator to have strong pre-consultation, planning and design capabilities, and comprehensively consider planning and design plans and project implementation. executable.

In the process of choosing a plan in the planning stage, BlueSword  will fully compare the floor and human efficiency of different technical routes, and calculate the general and long-term accounts. For example, when calculating the total cost, not only the cost of logistics equipment investment, but also the civil construction investment cost and public works investment cost affected by different technical routes; not only fixed costs such as one-time investment, but also the cost of future operations. Variable costs such as labor and energy consumption.


Goods-to-person: Modes cooperate with each other to perform their duties

Facing the business trend of gradually fragmenting, BlueSword adopts the method of AS/RS vertical warehouse with warehousing robot as the core + multi-transit warehouse with shuttle robot as the core. The AS/RS warehouse is responsible for the whole pallet, and the multi-pass warehouse is responsible for the whole case and the dismantling of parts. Each of them can perfectly cope with different businesses with their optimal state.

Pallet level + container level intelligent cold storage system

From the traditional "people looking for goods" to "goods to people", combined with the advanced logistics management system, the equipment, software and operation system are effectively combined to improve the overall operation efficiency.

Sinopharm Shanxi Logistics Center Cold Storage Multi-pass System


 Logistics Robots: Overcoming the Cryogenic Barrier

In terms of equipment selection, cold chain logistics centers need to be more cautious than normal temperature logistics centers, and the risks of equipment operation and failure losses in low temperature environments should be taken into consideration.

In addition, considering that the cost of demolishing and rebuilding the old warehouse is too high and the cycle is too long, BlueSword has developed a high-position and low-temperature intelligent unmanned forklift, which can realize plug-and-play without changing the existing shelf layout. Unmanned upgrade.

The layout of BlueSword in the cold chain industry has penetrated into various fields such as fresh food and medicine. With excellent system capabilities and rich project experience, we are committed to continuously creating value for customers and empowering the future.

The three-day exhibition is currently in full swing. We will meet you at A145, Hall W2, Shanghai New International Expo Center. We sincerely invite you to come!

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