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Sharing of intelligent construction of military warehouses

Jul 15 /2021

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On July 15, the 2021 Military Intelligent Manufacturing Innovation Integration Development Forum was successfully held in Beijing. The conference focuses on promoting the high-quality development of military intelligent manufacturing, focusing on core equipment and process technology innovation, and attracting social advantages to participate in the construction of military digital transformation capabilities...

Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of Lanjian Intelligence, was invited to attend and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Technological Innovation Drives the Development of Intelligent Logistics in the Military Industry".

Industry threshold

The particularity of the military industry makes the requirements for intelligent logistics systems more stringent in terms of equipment docking, security, and confidentiality.

Therefore, the service unit must have the service ability of the whole process to ensure the coordination of the overall system, the controllability of the later operation and the timeliness of maintenance; it must have excellent R&D and manufacturing capabilities to ensure that the equipment meets strict communication confidentiality standards, and also Smart and safe. This is not an ordinary integrator or manufacturer can do.

As an advantageous enterprise in the field of logistics equipment, Bluesword has been deeply involved in the military industry for many years. The projects involve different regions, different professions, and different types of warehouses, covering multiple product lines.

Case recommendation

When Bluesword implements intelligent construction for a comprehensive warehouse of a military unit, it takes mechanization, informatization, and intelligence as the direction, combined with actual business needs, breaks through the limitations of ideas, thinking and industry, and increases the Internet of Things, big data, digital twins, etc. The promotion and application of advanced technology has built a more efficient, smarter, more controllable and safer intelligent three-dimensional library for it.

Design solutions according to local conditions

There are three warehouses in the military industry unit of this service. After on-the-spot investigation and comprehensive analysis, Lanjian Intelligence has designed different implementation plans.

The three warehouses adopt the "old warehouse, new equipment" model of replacing new equipment, the "old warehouse, old equipment" model of equipment maintenance and renovation, and the "new warehouse, new equipment" model of new warehouse construction. Maximize cost savings for customers and improve efficiency.

Control system, 100% efficiency

The coding and labeling rate is 100% - the packaging-level coding and labeling of the storable materials.

The information binding rate is 100% - when the materials are put into the warehouse, all materials are bound to the information of the pallets and material boxes. After scanning the code, the system automatically allocates the cargo space and automatically transports it into the warehouse.

The data preservation rate is 100% - by scanning the code during the operation, the automatic recording, automatic updating and automatic preservation of data can be realized.

100% visualization of quantity and quality - real-time, comprehensive and real query of the nature, variety and quantity, production and storage date, storage period, quality status, management department, etc. of all materials in the warehouse.

Multi-dimensional disk library, intelligent exploration

With the help of embedded and platform-based intelligent technologies, it can realize full-time monitoring of the quantity and quality of various materials, full-time monitoring of actual consumption and quality status, and intelligent early warning of problems.

From a technical point of view, it can realize multi-dimensional visual inventory inventory of data disk library, model disk library, and video disk library; Multi-mode full automatic inventory inventory.

Bluesword Intelligent is an intelligent three-dimensional warehouse built by military units, which can realize real-time knowledge of the quantity and quality of inventory materials, intelligent early warning, and dynamic control, and comprehensively improve the scientific, legal and refined level of inventory management.

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