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Application Interpretation of New Energy Smart Stereo Library Solution

Aug 25 /2021

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On August 5-6, the 2021 New Energy Vehicle Industry Summit was held in Huizhou. This is an influential and forward-looking key industry exchange platform that accompanies the development of China's new energy vehicle industry.

Dr. Shen Changpeng, Senior Vice President of BlueSword, was invited to attend and deliver a speech, accurately analyzing key issues such as the application scenarios, technical characteristics and development trends of the new energy smart stereo library. And use detailed data and rich cases to demonstrate BlueSword's active exploration in the field of new energy.

BlueSword's new energy smart three-dimensional warehouse solution has three outstanding advantages of safety, efficiency and wisdom.

Multiple guarantees make warehousing safer

As we all know, the storage of new energy products has higher requirements for safety, and strict control of fire-proof, explosion-proof and moisture-proof is required to ensure personnel safety, equipment safety, and cargo safety.

BlueSword takes multiple measures to make warehouse safety more secure:

· Comply with the latest EU EN528 standard and the latest EU C3+ safety standard; passed the CE certification of the German TUV agency.

· Set up safety inspection control box outside the protection net, safety door linkage protection door lock, etc. to ensure the safety of personnel; functions such as cargo space detection, forced speed change, emergency limit switch and other functions ensure the safety of equipment and goods.

· Unique "smoke sensing system temperature measurement device + automatic fire extinguisher", fire fighting time <40 seconds.

Robots replace humans to make equipment more efficient

Machines are extensions of people! In the past mechanization era, the expansion of power and distance, today's intelligent era requires the extension of the brain, so that devices can perceive, learn, and think like people. BlueSword installs eyes on the logistics robot through intelligent vision algorithm, solves the problems of displacement, falling, inventory and other problems caused by blind forks, and realizes more efficient unmanned operation.

· Warehousing robot: realize the detection of automatic tray storage and uneven settlement based on vision; actively identify tray translation, socket deformation and alarm. No hidden dangers, more capable!

Shuttle robot: intelligently detects the position and size of the material box on the shelf, and automatically adjusts the fork spacing and positioning dynamically according to the displacement or deformation of the material box. Not rigid, more clever!

· Handling robot: When the pallet position deviates, it can quickly detect the position of the pallet fork hole and dynamically adjust the AGV fork position. Not squeamish, more skinny!

The strongest brain makes the process smarter

The software system is the "big BOSS" that controls the entire warehouse operation process. As an early batch of high-tech enterprises started with software in China, BlueSword has unique technical advantages in this regard, and has created a digital twin as the core covering the entire life cycle of logistics, including warehousing, sorting, distribution, management, and assessment. The integrated smart logistics software ecosystem has fully realized high-level applications such as program simulation design, offline debugging, task scheduling, visual 3D monitoring, remote operation and maintenance, preventive maintenance, and business decision-making.

· Planning stage: 1:1 high-precision equal-scale modeling of system simulation software, which can quickly find problems and optimize them, avoiding the great waste of adjustment after implementation.

· Construction stage: The digital twin technology enables remote offline debugging, and software debugging begins at the hardware entry stage, shortening the construction period.

· Operational stage: IoT technology enables equipment to realize all-round multi-dimensional perception, 3D SCADA monitors the overall situation in three dimensions in real time, and warns of hidden dangers in the system.

New energy vehicles are a major trend in the development of the global auto industry, and the demand for power batteries is also accelerating. Logistics is known as the "third profit source", and the potential to reduce costs and increase efficiency through the intelligent upgrade of warehousing and logistics links is huge. With the power of smart logistics, BlueSword helps the new energy automobile industry to flourish!

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