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Create high-quality service

Aug 24 /2021

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Born in "No One Cares"

Adhere to independent development and master core technology independently

Thirty years ago, China's warehousing and logistics industry was basically in a state of "no one cares about" domestic enterprises. Today's service market "blooming in full bloom" is far from what the one-sided "foreign enterprise is king" can imagine. Recalling the market at that time, Wu Yaohua, Chairman of BlueSword Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as BlueSword), was quite emotional. At that time, China's industrial automation was in its infancy, enterprises had insufficient awareness of logistics and warehousing automation, the demand was low, and the market technology was dominated by foreign companies. .

At the beginning of its birth, there were two paths in front of BlueSword: to take advantage of the situation to develop, and to cooperate with foreign companies to serve customers; After careful consideration, BlueSword chose the latter, which also means facing more challenges: First, there is no market foundation and brand endorsement, and second, there is a lack of talents. "Therefore, for a long period of time, BlueSword has maintained a small-scale development." Wu Yaohua recalled, "During this process, we provided customers with consulting and planning services, developed software products and solutions, and always kept the core technology in the In your own hands." Like WMS, WCS and other software systems that have now "flyed into ordinary people's homes", BlueSword was also one of the first companies to develop research and development in China.


Differentiate yourself

Facing market competition and changing demands calmly

"Full series core" positioning, overall solution provider

In 2000, BlueSword officially embarked on the road of equipment manufacturing, and finally achieved the self-development and production of a full range of core equipment. Today, BlueSword's production line includes various series of storage robots, shuttle robots, handling robots, conveyor lines, etc. . As early as the beginning of entering the field of logistics automation, Wu Yaohua realized the "inborn" customization attributes of different projects of different customers. Without the ability of self-research and production, the company cannot fully modify the equipment to meet the real needs of different customers. ; On the one hand, in the process of use, it is impossible to follow the development of customers to carry out supporting upgrade and maintenance services. "Then what does it mean to provide services that satisfy customers?" Wu Yaohua added, "And when we improve each product line, the positioning of BlueSword Intelligence will also become different, that is the core of the whole series. Logistics robot product and overall solution provider."


The "tragic" market and changes in demand drive the development of enterprises

More importantly, under the changing market environment, BlueSword also needs to make a distinctive positioning. Talking about today's China's logistics equipment market, Wu Yaohua bluntly said that "the competition is fierce": "The market size is not much different from that of foreign countries, but the number of competing companies is several times that of others. In addition, the threshold and barriers have not yet been established, and the competition is naturally chaotic and "fierce". However, BlueSword chose to face and embrace it calmly. The market will not change because of a certain company. Only by constantly adapting to the market, constantly building our own competitiveness, and serving customers well, can we be fearless in the face of market changes.”

"At the same time, it is the changes in the market and customers that lead our development." Wu Yaohua said sincerely, "This development is not only reflected in the upgrading of industry technology and services, but also in the differentiation of enterprises' building their own value. .For example, the 'low-price competition' criticized by the industry, if it can indeed provide customers with the same quality service at a lower cost, this is the advantage of the company. Therefore, our response method is to continuously improve and enrich the product line, At the same time, product reliability is guaranteed, and solutions are continuously updated and optimized.”


Build enterprise competitive advantage

Industry-reliable "MMBF" and "MTTR"

For BlueSword, maintaining the high quality of its products and solutions is one of its competitive advantages. Taking BlueSword serving a well-known daily-use brand as an example, since the first cooperation in 2015, the two parties have completed more than 70 projects of various sizes. Wu Yaohua said with a smile: "It is under the strict requirements of customers that the stability of BlueSword's products and solutions has been developed."


The development of an enterprise requires not only self-driving force, but also external promotion. Self-driving force can help enterprises complete the transformation from nothing, and external push, such as customer requirements, can promote enterprises to keep improving. However, excellence is not an unlimited improvement of product quality, and corresponding standards must be set. "One of the standards is reliability." Wu Yaohua explained, "Every product has a life cycle, and what we need to do is to ensure its reliability during this period, and how to use indicators to show reliability. It tests the technological self-confidence and capability of enterprises.”

BlueSword defines reliability through two indicators, "MMBF (Mean Movement Between Failure, the average number of operations between two failures)" and "MTTR (Mean Time To Repair, mean time to repair)". Taking a certain equipment as an example, if the faults encountered during its operation can be eliminated in a very short period of time, without affecting the normal operation, and can maintain the established efficiency operation for a long time, then this equipment is truly highly reliable. . "The indicators of scientific reliability are definitely not the threshold range of a single dimension. Only multi-dimensional scientific indicators can allow customers to objectively evaluate products and solutions." Wu Yaohua said proudly, "So BlueSword creatively proposed MMBF and MTTR, to help customers better evaluate products and solutions.”


Continuously create value for customers

Practice the research and development concept of "innovation comes from demand"

Being able to continuously provide customers with iterative updates of products is also the only way for BlueSword to gain customer recognition, which is also a reflection of BlueSword's innovative capabilities. "Innovation comes from demand" is the innovation slogan that BlueSword has been practicing. In the development process of BlueSword, the needs of customers can be described as "various", which are not only advanced, but also need to be implemented. This is the best R&D direction for BlueSword. "We must respect the needs of customers, instead of doing platonic research and development." Wu Yaohua said solemnly, "This is what BlueSword has been adhering to since its establishment in 1993."

For example, BlueSword's latest fourth-generation IoT shuttle robot fully embodies this concept. As the core product of BlueSword, the fourth-generation IoT shuttle robot has now become the leading product of the same type in global shipments, and its performance is at the top level in the industry. In addition to its advantages in speed, acceleration, length of fork, reaction time, reliability, etc., the biggest highlight of this product is "intelligence". The product can automatically correct the deviation, that is, automatically adjust the positioning position of the shuttle according to the displacement or deformation of the material box, and accurately take out the material box required by the order.


Build a respected business

Landing is the prerequisite for the application and combination of new technologies

Wu Yaohua also talked about the application and combination of new technologies. He said that the application and combination of new technologies also need to be implemented on the premise. Only when the application of new technologies can truly solve customer pain points, they need to be introduced openly, and should not be used for use. Of course, BlueSword has also been working hard to integrate new technologies into products and solutions, providing technical reserves for meaningful innovation. For example, the current hot 5G technology, BlueSword has been widely used in the R&D center, but it has not been fully promoted to customers. The reason is that the customer scene has not yet generated such a high-speed transmission demand, and forced application will only cause value loss.

In addition, the corporate culture formed during the development process of nearly three decades is also one of BlueSword's unique advantages. BlueSword is committed to establishing itself as a respected business. What kind of company can be respected? In Wu Yaohua's understanding, enterprises should help promote the country's scientific and technological progress, undertake corresponding social responsibilities, and then go abroad to provide "Chinese services" to the world and contribute "Chinese wisdom and Chinese strength".


The development of logistics has entered a stage of rapid development along with the process of industrialization, and intelligence has also become the mainstream trend in this stage. Businesses need to differentiate between automation and intelligence, not one and the same. Talking about the future, Wu Yaohua said: "Automation solves the problem of presence or absence and efficiency, and intelligence can improve the performance and efficiency of equipment on the basis of automation. Taking depalletizing as an example, automation can complete standard palletizing under standard packaging. type operations, and intelligence can complete mixed palletizing operations of different packages, which is an increase in efficiency.”

"As the future industry enters the stage of transformation and upgrading, logistics will also usher in high-quality development." Wu Yaohua finally concluded, "This will be a new round of opportunities for the logistics industry. China's logistics equipment industry will definitely move towards a broader world."

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