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BlueSword , building a proactive and rapid response after-sales service system

Nov 02 /2022

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Text|Wang Yu, "Logistics Technology and Application”

BlueSword, building a proactive and rapid response after-sales service system

Interview with Wu Yaohua, Founder and Chairman of BlueSword 

Along with the development of logistics system from automation to intelligence, after-sales service is also changing from "passive maintenance" to "active maintenance". In this regard, BlueSword Intelligent has formed a professional, timely, applicable, affordable, all-round, integrated and integrated proactive and rapid response after-sales operation and maintenance service system to bring better after-sales service experience to customers.

(hereinafter referred to as "BlueSword") was established in 1993, is one of the early batch of high-tech enterprises providing overall logistics solutions in China, mainly engaged in the research and development, design, production, sales and services of intelligent logistics systems with intelligent logistics robots as the core, and was successfully listed on the science and technology innovation board in 2020. It will be successfully listed on the science and technology innovation board in 2020.

In the past two years, BlueSword has continued to obtain orders in the retail, pharmaceutical, e-commerce, automotive, petrochemical, tobacco, aerospace and other industries, while achieving new expansion in new energy, communication equipment, agriculture and animal husbandry, home appliances, engineering machinery, food, household and other fields, building up the ability to cover the whole process of intelligent logistics system solutions for the whole industry, and the total amount of new sales orders in 2021 exceeded the one billion yuan mark for the first time (statistics) In 2021, the total amount of new sales orders exceeded one billion yuan for the first time (statistics of single contract amount above 100,000 yuan, excluding after-sales service sales).

As one of the few superior enterprises in the field of intelligent logistics system with the capability of self-research and self-production of hardware and software, BlueSword is more comfortable in after-sales service. Wu Yaohua, founder and chairman of BlueSword, emphasized, "After-sales service is one of the core competitiveness of BlueSword, and under the trend that the demand for after-sales service is changing from passive maintenance to active maintenance, we have quickly built a proactive and rapid response after-sales service system, which has been widely recognized by customer enterprises."


Wu Yaohua, Founder and Chairman of BlueSword 

Reporter: Please introduce the main contents of after-sales service of intelligent logistics system. At present, what types of after-sales service does BlueSword Intelligent provide for the customer enterprises?

Wu Yaohua: The content of after-sales service of intelligent logistics system includes: daily spot check and inspection; maintenance; repair and replacement of equipment and parts; upgrade and transformation of some systems; fault analysis, diagnosis and troubleshooting. The after-sales service content and standard of BlueSword is the same for all customer companies. Our after-sales service types can be roughly divided into the following three types according to different charging methods.

1.Service by time

When a system failure occurs, the customer enterprise finds BlueSword to carry out repair and pays according to the number of services. At present, most of the customer enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises choose this service form for the first time. However, in our opinion, the after-sales service charged by the time does not guarantee the long-term stable operation of the intelligent logistics system, and the after-sales service cost may be higher.


BlueSword operation and maintenance personnel for point inspection operations

2. Fixed service by year

Customer enterprises purchase after-sales service according to the number of years, and BlueSword provides them with exclusive after-sales service team and establishes after-sales service files for customers. At present, strategic customers such as a global leading enterprise of communication equipment and a global famous daily chemical enterprise (customers who have multiple projects with BlueSword and the project scale is large) mostly choose this form of after-sales service. The after-sales service of fixed charge is carried out by an exclusive team, which can guarantee the long-term stable operation of the system to the greatest extent, and can prevent failures, as well as deal with failures quickly and efficiently.


BlueSword intelligent operation and maintenance personnel to carry out maintenance operations

3. Agency operation/maintenance service

BlueSword Intelligent constantly innovates service models to meet different customer needs. For example, RaaS generation operation service including after-sales operation and maintenance service, according to the customer's demand, we invest in the construction of warehouse logistics automation system and set up an operation team responsible for warehouse operation, as well as the operation and maintenance of logistics system, etc. We settle the cost with the customer according to the processing and storage volume, and the customer provides a guaranteed business volume to ensure our business income. For example, such a service format is used in Vipshop's South China warehouse. With the changing needs of customers, we also propose a new model of O&M service purchased by customers, that is, after customers purchase the warehouse logistics automation system, at the same time, the system's O&M is all handed over to BlueSword, which sets up an operation team responsible for the system's operation and maintenance and collects O&M fees.


BlueSword Intelligent RaaS Operation Service Case: Vipshop

Reporter: In your opinion, what are the characteristics of the demand for after-sales service for intelligent logistics systems? What obvious changes have occurred in recent years?

Wu Yaohua: The primary characteristic of after-sales service of intelligent logistics system is "just demand". Intelligent warehouse logistics automation system consists of many devices and software. Along with the operation of the intelligent logistics system, the hardware equipment in the system will occur to varying degrees of wear and tear, some wear and tear parts need to be replaced regularly, maintenance; with the change in business needs, or the growth of running time, the software system also needs to be updated and upgraded. After-sales service is the key guarantee for the long-term efficient operation of each set of intelligent logistics system, indispensable. Intelligent logistics system after-sales service is a kind of customized service with customer needs as the core. There are basically no two identical intelligent logistics systems in the world, after-sales service is strongly related to the intelligent logistics system project itself, the project is different equipment, control systems, software, etc., the demand for after-sales service will be different, coupled with the customer's business understanding of after-sales service level is also different, so the after-sales service is personalized and customized.

In recent years, along with the development of logistics system from automation to intelligence, after-sales service is also changing from "passive maintenance" to "active maintenance" (also called "intelligent maintenance"). Passive maintenance is to help restore the system to normal operation through repair and other means after the failure of the intelligent logistics system, while proactive maintenance aims to analyze and predict the possible failure of the system by monitoring the operation status of the system, and deal with it in advance to prevent the failure.

Reporter: Around the above changes in demand, what cutting-edge exploration has BlueSword conducted in the field of after-sales service? What is the current application situation?

Wu Yaohua: BlueSword Intelligent adheres to the development concept of "only innovation" and the service spirit of "customer demand as the center", and so does the exploration in after-sales service. "We have explored technologies such as Internet of Things, big data and digital twin, built a remote operation and maintenance center, launched a digital twin system, and formed a professional, timely, applicable, affordable, all-round, integrated and integrated proactive and rapid response after-sales operation and maintenance service system.

1.Remote operation and maintenance center

We have built a remote operation and maintenance center, with the technical support of IOT cloud platform, through customer authorization, we can remotely operate and monitor the customer's warehouse logistics automation system and monitor the site in real time, grasp the operation of equipment in real time, and provide remote technical support for customers.

Compared with on-site operation and maintenance, remote operation and maintenance can lift the ability of the whole company team to complete domestic and international project operation and maintenance services in a more timely and efficient manner. But unfortunately, our remote operation and maintenance services have not yet achieved large-scale application, remote operation and maintenance center operating costs are still relatively high. The main reason is that we do not know enough about remote operation and maintenance, and customer companies believe that there is a certain risk of data security in the application of this technology. In fact, the customer satisfaction level of remote operation and maintenance has been maintained at a high level.

2.Digital twin system

As early as more than 20 years ago, BlueSword has independently developed and completed the 3D simulation software for the domestic logistics industry, and earlier provided preliminary 3D simulation modeling consulting services in the tobacco industry, 3C manufacturing and home appliance manufacturing, and subsequently achieved wide application in more industries. In recent years, we have developed the BlueSword Digital Twin system with this engine, and built a 3D data acquisition and monitoring system (IMHS-Simulation 3D-SCADA) and IMHS-TPM equipment management system in the digital twin system to help enterprises better realize after-sales operation and maintenance services.

BlueSword Intelligent 3D Data Acquisition and Monitoring System (IMHS-Simulation 3D-SCADA) builds a full-scene intelligent 3D monitoring system, which can display any equipment, materials and events in the physical world to the digital twin system through a high-precision model in a real and intuitive and efficient way to achieve complete digital intelligent visualization; it has the function of visualizing the status of each single machine and can reflect it in real time on monitoring system; when the equipment alarm can be reflected on each equipment in the monitoring system, the fault location and fault information.

BlueSword intelligent IMHS-TPM equipment management system combined with IoT technology enables equipment to achieve all-round multi-dimensional perception, equipment early warning, equipment point inspection, equipment maintenance and other whole life cycle equipment management, with data perception, intelligent diagnosis, independent learning and fault library update and other advantageous features. Based on the perception data and fault library history data, the system combines intelligent algorithms to diagnose and suggest faults; based on the life prediction model and fault diagnosis model can realize the ability of self-learning predictive maintenance; based on time, state and AI self-learning algorithms to realize multi-dimensional proactive maintenance; based on big data and artificial intelligence algorithms, combined with expert system and PHM model to realize fault prediction and predictive maintenance; according to the IoT collection of equipment data, comparative knowledge base fault diagnosis model, intelligent analysis and provide equipment operation and maintenance personnel maintenance, fault diagnosis solutions.

At present, these technologies have been applied in the cold chain, medical and other industry projects, for in fault prediction, fault location, equipment maintenance and repair response speed, etc. have produced very good results.


BlueSword Intelligent Digital Twin System: 3D-SCADA 3D Monitoring Platform

3. Intelligent after-sales service high-speed channel

In order to make after-sales service simpler, more efficient and more reliable, we have launched the online repair function of public applet on the basis of traditional telephone repair, which has greatly improved the after-sales service experience. Our recently launched public applet online repair function brings the ultimate after-sales service experience from the following aspects.

Fast and convenient. Customers can fill in the repair form online anytime, anywhere through the WeChat app, with automatic generation of user information, default exclusive after-sales manager, and fast upload of fault pictures, which takes less than 1 minute to accurately communicate the repair problem to us.

Traceable processing progress. Customers can keep track of the detailed progress of the planned service time, processors, and processing methods through the applet. After the problem is handled, the system pushes the service result to the customer, who can confirm the problem resolution status online and evaluate the satisfaction of the service.

Make the service evaluation more efficient. For complex after-sales work that needs to be implemented on site, the system will automatically generate an after-sales maintenance service order after all service content is completed according to customer requirements, and the customer can realize remote electronic signature confirmation by scanning the QR code.

Quickly generate quotation. The system can quickly generate a quotation list of required parts for the customer and actively push it to the customer's cell phone for confirmation, and the customer can quickly reach a spare parts transaction with a single key signature.

Task reminder. According to the different characteristics of the customer's system, we will form customized and periodic active inspection strategies for each hardware device and each software system, in which each specific task will be accurately dispatched to the key task list of the corresponding after-sales personnel by means of to-do task reminder, and the system will automatically review and remind at the end of each day.

Reporter: What key capabilities do you think are needed to do a good job in intelligent logistics after-sales service?

Wu Yaohua: In fact, in addition to professional team and perfect after-sales service system, the most critical ability to do well in after-sales service is "self-research and self-production capability of software and hardware". Only by developing and producing key equipment and software, we can better understand the problems that may occur in the system, and be able to quickly diagnose and efficiently solve them. At present, most of the domestic integrators lack self-research and self-production capability, and when the system fails, they need to find equipment suppliers to solve the problem, so the efficiency and effectiveness of after-sales service will be compromised. BlueSword from the early years of self-built high-tech logistics equipment and technology industrial park, to the "super future factory", self-research and self-production strength has become more and more powerful, can be said to be the domestic most know intelligent logistics system core equipment service providers, for the failure of parts can be repaired as much as possible, to reduce the cost of unnecessary replacement brought about by waste We can repair all the faulty parts and reduce the waste of cost due to unnecessary replacement.


Reporter: What value does the after-sales service of intelligent logistics system bring to BlueSword?

Wu Yaohua: At this stage, the value brought by after-sales service to BlueSword is more reflected in the overall market competitiveness enhancement. In the project bidding stage, good and high-quality after-sales service is a plus point for us; after the project is landed, high-quality after-sales service experience helps us to be better recognized and trusted by customer enterprises, which brings more project opportunities later.

In the long run, as the number of projects increases, after-sales service will bring us certain economic benefits, but the economic value of this business is not big yet. BlueSword's after-sales service content and after-sales service price will generally be determined at the bidding stage of the customer's enterprise project, and we will provide a one-year/two-year free warranty for the customer's needs, and will only provide paid after-sales service for projects beyond the warranty period, but will not charge too much.

Reporter: How do you see the development of China's intelligent logistics after-sales service market? What other development plans does BlueSword have?

Wu Yaohua: On the whole, China's intelligent logistics system market is in a rapid growth period, and there will be more and more intelligent logistics projects in the future, and the scale of after-sales service market will become bigger and bigger. However, I believe that after-sales service will ultimately depend on project integrators and equipment suppliers; service providers with the ability of self-research and self-production of intelligent logistics core equipment will continue to show absolute competitive advantages in the after-sales service market; for service providers, with the scale development of after-sales service projects, the economic value will be reflected to a certain extent; the importance of customer enterprises to after-sales service will continue to increase. Remote operation and maintenance, digital twin and other after-sales service technologies will be widely used. BlueSword Intelligent has been advocating "where the system is sold, the after-sales service team will follow" in the after-sales service. At present, we have set up professional service teams in key regions such as Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta, and we also have personnel from manufacturing, production and R&D departments to complete the final maintenance of the project, so as to protect the long-term operation of the system; in addition, our remote operation and maintenance center, digital twin system and intelligent after-sales service high-speed channel have brought more timely, convenient and efficient after-sales service experience to customers at home and abroad.

Next, we will focus on promoting our comprehensive, integrated and integrated proactive and rapid response after-sales operation and maintenance services to our customers, so that the remote operation and maintenance and digital twin system can be better integrated into the after-sales service of large-scale projects; and we will continue to explore detailed measures that can improve the customer experience, so that the after-sales service can become simpler, more efficient and more assured.

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